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DAZ 3D Game Developer

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q. Doesn’t the DAZ 3D End User License Agreement (Eula) prohibit the use of DAZ 3D models in games?
A. DAZ 3D has introduced a new Developer EULA that is available for all of the models and content at DAZ 3D has introduced a new licensing for DAZ Originals and some brokered products (Game Developer Licensing) which includes distribution rights within projects like games and simulations.
Q. What if I am using 2D renders or “sprites” in my game?
A. All of the content available at the DAZ 3D Store is covered by the standard EULA which allows 2D renders including sprites as well as rendered animations or movies.
Q. If I have already purchased DAZ 3D models under the standard license can I upgrade the license to a developer license?
A. Yes. See the current offering of developer licensing:
Q. Which developer license should I buy?
A. Developer licenses are available as “Indie” and “Commercial”.
Indie Developer License
Commercial Developer License
Q. Can I sell my game?
A. Yes.
Q. Do I have to pay royalties to use DAZ 3D models in my games?
A. No. The EULA grants a royalty-free license.
Q. If my game is free do I still need a developer license?
A. Yes. You still need to have the appropriate Indie or Commercial license. The standard EULA does NOT grant those rights.
Q. Aren’t DAZ 3D textures too big and high resolution to be used in games?
A. Some models contain too many textures or textures that are too large to be used efficiently in game engines. The Texture Atlas for DAZ Studio allows users to combine textures into a single texture atlas image and scale the image down to a size that can be easily incorporated into popular game engines.
Q. Can I take DAZ 3D models into other 3D applications and modify them further?
A. Yes. DAZ Studio supports a number of export options including .bvh, .obj and .daz (COLLADA). FBX export is supported through the FBX Plug-in for DAZ Studio.
Q. Can I modify the models and use them in my game?
A. Yes. DAZ 3D models can be modified and customized to fit the user’s requirements.
Q. Can I resell the modified models?
A. No. The DAZ 3D EULA expressly prohibits the resale of DAZ 3D models without the express written consent of DAZ 3D.
Q. Can I sell the models or pieces of the models as virtual goods within the game?
A. No. The DAZ 3D EULA expressly prohibits the resale of DAZ 3D models without the express written consent of DAZ 3D.