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Old ArtZone Wiki

Welcome to the new [temporary] home for the contents of the old ArtZone Wiki. The pages of this section, and of all sections within it, closely resemble the state of the wiki when it was last available at

The ArtZone Wiki, while at its previous location, was largely left to the registered public to edit and maintain. Despite the best efforts of a dedicated few, you may find the content inconsistent, incomplete and/or inaccurate. You may also happen upon a page that has been “spammed.” Unfortunately, some of the registered accounts that were previously allowed to edit the pages belong to those who aim to do harm to and/or destroy the work of others. While an effort has been made to remove offending content, you are encouraged to inspect the address of any externally directed links1) on any pages within the Old ArtZone Wiki section prior to clicking on them.

Configuration of the wiki software in use at the previous location allowed potentially unsafe HTML code to be used in the authoring of a page. The previous configuration also included the use of plugins that were potentially unsafe for the wiki itself. This site is configured to prevent the use of HTML code in the authoring of a page, and as a result you may notice raw HTML code displayed within a page that previously did not. Likewise, with the exclusion of specific plugins in the configuration of this site, you may notice wiki syntax displayed within a page that previously did not. An effort has been made to find and modify these pages, limiting the changes so as to not modify the context of the original, but it has not been exhaustive, so the potential still exists.

The pages of the Old ArtZone Wiki section, and of all sections within it, will be reviewed and much of the information contained within them will be considered for update/migration to the appropriate location under the new site structure. As pages are reviewed/updated/migrated, they will be removed from this section, with the eventual goal of removing the Old ArtZone Wiki section completely.

external links are represented by blue text with a dashed underline