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Native Cheyenne Village

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Product Name: Native Cheyenne Village
Product ID: 10848
Published Artist(s): Daz Originals
Created By: Jack Tomalin
Release Date: 2010-06-22

Product Information

  • Required Products: None

The Native Cheyenne Village is a realistic reproduction of a Native American settlement. The set features key structures such as a tipi, sun lodge, sweat lodge, fire pits and background plains. Each prop has been meticulously recreated from historical documentation and brought to life in high-resolution geometry and texture maps, further enhanced with displacement maps. Included are several preloads to quickly create your own village settlement.

Product Notes

Installation Packages

Below is a list of the installation package types provided by this product. The name of each package contains a Package Qualifier, which is used as a key to indicate something about the contents of that package.

  • 1 Core
  • [1 DS]

[ ] = Optional, depending on target application(s)

Not all installation packages provide files that are displayed to the user within the interface of an application. The packages listed below, do. The application(s), and the location(s) within each application, are shown below.

Native Cheyenne Village DS

  • You can find new icons for loading this product in the following DAZ Studio Folders:
    • “Environments:Architecture:Nat_Village:Scenes”
  • You can find new icons for this product in the following DAZ Studio Categories:
    • “Props:Architecture”
    • “Props:Landscape:Ground”
    • “Props:Landscape:Rocks”
    • “Props:Other”

NativeCheyenneVillagePs (Core)

  • You can find new icons for loading this product in the following Poser Libraries:
    • Figures: “Nat_Village”
    • Materials: “Nat_Village”
    • Pose: “Nat_Village”


  • The set consists of 13 cr2 files, including 4 preload presets and Poser 5, 6 and D|S material presets
  • Groups have been created to allow elements to be adjusted or hidden.
  • Unused dials have been removed where appropriate, while the original dials have been left in the parent figure 'body' group.
  • The tipi doors can be either open or closed by showing/hidding the relevant figure part.
  • The ground plane is fully tilable to make the ground as small or as large as you wish.
  • Sun Lodge, Sweat Lodge and Hide racks all feature removable hide sections for versatility.

Additional Details

Resolved Issues

  • 2017-11-27 - added Metadata, converted from .daz to .duf

Known Issues

  • None


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