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Toon Generations Base

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Product Name: Toon Generations Base
Product ID: 12160
Published Artist(s): 3D Universe
Created By: N/A
Release Date: 2011-03-04

Product Information

  • Required Products: None

Toon Generations is a product set that can be used to create cartoon characters of all different ages, sizes and genders.

This base figure has all the built in features to change age, race, gender. Along with the add-on pack, you can create whole generations of similar style cartoon characters (See Popup Image 6 for an example of some of the possibilities).

Product Notes

Installation Packages

Below is a list of the installation package types provided by this product. The name of each package contains a Package Qualifier, which is used as a key to indicate something about the contents of that package.

  • 1 Core 1)
  • [1 Mimic]

Not all installation packages provide files that are displayed to the user within the interface of an application. The packages listed below, do. The application(s), and the location(s) within each application, are shown below.

Toon Generations Base (Core)

  • You can find new icons for loading this product in the following Poser Libraries:
    • Figures: “3D Universe - Toon:Humanoid:Toon Generations”
    • Figures: “3D Universe - Toon:Humanoid:Toon Generations:Clothes”
    • Figures: “3D Universe - Toon:Humanoid:Toon Generations:Hair”
    • Pose: “3D Universe - Toon:Humanoid:Toon Generations”
    • Pose: “3D Universe - Toon:Humanoid:Toon Generations:Randomize Generic”
  • You can find new icons for this product in the following DAZ Studio Categories:
    • “Figures:People:Female:Stylized”
    • “Figures:People:Male:Stylized”
    • “Hair:Long”
    • “Hair:Short”
    • “Materials:Eyes:Eye Colors”
    • “Materials:Masculine:Toon Generations Base:Eyes:Eye Colors”
    • “Materials:Masculine:Toon Generations Base:Skin”
    • “Materials:Skin”
    • “Materials:Wardrobe”
    • “Poses:Expressions:Full Face”
    • “Shaping:Apply:Complete”
    • “Wardrobe:Footwear”
    • “Wardrobe:Full-Body”

Additional Details

  • Despite some intelligence being built into the randomizing process, minor adjustments may still be necessary in rare instances.
  • Poser doesn't support body part scaling correctly. Features in this product that use scaling will not work as well in Poser.
  • DAZ Studio 3 or Poser 7.0.4 (Version 7 Service Pack 1) is required for the randomizer poses.

Resolved Issues

  • 2018-08-22 - Hid side-side dial on forearm, locked foot translation, updated metadata.
  • 2015-01-12 - Updated metadata.
  • 2011-06-20 Update-
    • added: Community Morphs (FBMCommunity & PBMCommunity)
    • added: Head morph speech slave dials on BODY to transmit head morphs to matching head gear morphs
    • fixed: Head/Foot/Hand Scaling no longer reset by pose tool in DAZ Studio
  • 2011-03-14 Update-
    • Hand scaling and scaled finger bending corrected in Poser (version 7 and above)
    • Body part scaling improved in Poser 8 and above. Unfortunately Poser 7 cannot fully handle the kind of scaling this figure uses. The base figure now includes a “Non-Linear Scaling” setting that can be turned off for use in Poser 8 and above - this enables simpler scaling in Poser 8 and above so the “Figure Height” and “Age” dials work better. Previously the scaling didn't really work in Poser at all.
    • Auto-scaling added to clothing for users of Poser 8 and above. Poser 7 does not support automatic clothing scaling.
    • Python scripts updated to remove various errors (mainly for Mac users)
    • MAT poses added to base pack to set/change the skin type (freckles, beauty spot, etc.)
    • MAT poses added to base pack for various Skin Tones (Dark, Medium, Pale, Sunburn, Tanned, Yellow, Remove)
    • Eye Color only randomizer added to base pack
    • Inverse Kinematics (IK) added to base figure
    • All the CR2's have “conformScale 1” added to automatically scale with the figure in Poser 8 and above.

Known Issues

  • None


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The contents of this package are in DAZ Studio Native and Poser Native formats