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Parkside Haulage DS

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Product Name: Parkside Haulage
Product ID: 14483
Published Artist(s): Daz Originals
Created By: Jack Tomalin
Release Date: 2012-08-02

Product Information

  • Required Products: 12184

Parkside - a deserted town, so old and forgotten it's not even on a map anywhere. Amongst the decay sits one of the old Parkside Haulage Hopper and Flat Loader. Contained in this set is a detailed Hopper, including coal contents as well as a flat bed loader with it's abandoned load of pipe. The sets are split into several sections and both include preload presets. Please note that it requires the Parkside Passenger Car product, as it uses the bogie prop as part of the preload. The track was also used from that product in the promo artwork.

Product Notes

  • You can find new icons for loading this product in the following Poser Libraries:
    • Figures: “Park_Haul
    • Materials: “Park_Haul
    • Pose: “Park_Haul
  • You can find new icons for loading this product in the following DAZ Studio Folders:
    • “Vehicles:Parkside:Park_B_Car:Materials”
    • “Vehicles:Parkside:Park_B_Car:Scenes”
  • You can find new icons for this product in the following DAZ Studio Categories:
    • “Materials:Vehicles”
    • “Transportation:Land”
  • This product includes:
    • 1 DSON Core Installer
    • 1 DAZ Studio Legacy Installer
    • 1 Poser Core Installer
  • The set consists of 9 cr2 (and equivalent D|S scene) files, including 2 preload preset and Poser 5, 6 and D|S material presets.
  • Groups have been created to allow elements to be adjusted or hidden.
  • Unused dials have been removed where appropriate, while the original dials have been left in the parent figure 'body' group
  • The promos were created in DS using LightDomePro.
  • Please note that it requires the Parkside Passenger Car product, as it uses the bogie prop as part of the preload.

Resolved Issues

  • 2013-03-22 - 1.2 - Changed paths from environments to Vehicles, Updated metadata.
  • 2012-12-28 - 1.1 - Updated Metadata, Updated files with .DUF presets.

Known Issues

  • None


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