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TOA Triplet

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Product Name: TOA Triplet
Product ID: 14958
Published Artist(s): Daz Originals
Created By: Frances Coffill
Release Date: 2012-09-17

Product Information

  • Required Products: None

Back to basics with a trio of simple tunics with rich co-coordinating textures, designed to mix and match and extend your Genesis wardrobe options.Dozens of possible looks can be created out of the complete, five piece outfit; or mix it up with other Genesis clothing to extend your wardrobe options even more!

Genesis and DAZ Studio work together to ensure that TOA Triplet will fit your favorite Genesis based character. This outfit was designed and intended for human figures of either gender, for best results very extreme figure morphs (The Freak. very small children and some creatures) are not recommended.

Product Notes

  • You can find new icons for loading this product in the following DAZ Studio Folders:
    • “People:Genesis:Clothing:TOA:812-Triplet”
      • “Materials”
      • “Transparency”
  • You can find new icons for this product in the following DAZ Studio Categories:
    • “Accessories:Waist”
    • “Materials:Wardrobe”
    • “Utilities:Visibility”
    • “Wardrobe:Full-Body”
    • “Wardrobe:Footwear”
    • “Wardrobe:Outerwear:Tops”

Resolved Issues

  • None

Known Issues

  • None


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