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Generation 4 Legacy Shapes for Genesis 2 Male

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Product Name: Generation 4 Legacy Shapes for Genesis 2 Male(s)
Product ID: 17997
Published Artist(s): SloshWerks
Created By: N/A
Release Date: 2014-01-09

Product Information

  • Required Products: None

Bring back the shapes you love from the fourth generation DAZ males with this set of Generation 4 Legacy shapes for Genesis 2 Male. Dial them in fully, or mix them with your other male characters from the Genesis 2 Male gene pool. Included with this set are Genesis (1) Basic Male, Michael 4, Hiro 4, and The Freak 4. Each character shape contains a complete body morph and a separate head morph, which can be dialed out if only the body is required. A basic Genesis shape with separate body and head morphs is also included.

Mix in a little of Michael 4 with a little of Michael 6 and add a touch of Hiro 4's head morph. Many combinations are possible. Each Legacy Shape also contains a preset to quickly add in 100% of the shape, as well as a preset to remove all morphs associated only with that character, leaving behind any other morphs you have dialed in. Presets for DAZ Studio and Poser 9+ are included, tested in both programs.

*Note: This set contains only head and body shapes. It does not include UVs for skin textures or AutoFit clones for clothing.

Also available in the store are Generation 5 Legacy Shapes for Genesis 2 Male to add even more possibilities to your characters.

Product Notes

Installation Packages

Below is a list of the installation package types provided by this product. The name of each package contains a Package Qualifier, which is used as a key to indicate something about the contents of that package.

  • [1 Core]
  • [1 PoserCF]

Not all installation packages provide files that are displayed to the user within the interface of an application. The packages listed below, do. The application(s), and the location(s) within each application, are shown below.

Generation 4 Legacy Shapes for Genesis 2 Male

  • You can find new icons for loading this product in the following DAZ Studio Folders:
    • “People:Genesis 2 Male:Shapes:Legacy Shapes”
  • You can find new icons for this product in the following DAZ Studio Categories:
    • “Shaping:Apply”
    • “Shaping:Remove”

Generation 4 Legacy Shapes for Genesis 2 Male PoserCF

  • You can find new icons for loading this product in the following Poser Libraries:
    • Pose: “DAZ Genesis 2 Male:Shapes:LegacyShapes”

Additional Details

  • Please note, these products only provide body and head morphs for previous generation figures for Genesis 2 Male or Female, and do not include any UV information or Autofit clones. You will not be able to use previous generation textures on Genesis 2 with this product alone. For Victoria 4 UV's and Autofit clone, you must purchase Victoria 4 for Genesis 2 Female(s) by MallenLane. For Michael 4 UV's and Autofit clone, you must purchase Michael 4 for Genesis 2 Male(s) by Slosh. Victoria 5 and Michael 5 UV's, as well as Genesis Autofit clone, are included with your Genesis 2 Essentials downloads (free) available through DIM or your Product Library in your account.
  • In the Legacy products, each character is provided with a full morph slider, which dials in the the head and body together, just as in Genesis 1. If you wish to have the head only, separate dials for heads are located under Actor:People:Head. If you wish to have the body dialed in without the head, you must first dial in the full morph, then dial out the head located above.
  • For extra body morphs, such as Victoria 5 SuperModel, Freak 5 SuperFreak, Michael 5 Hero, and Stephanie 5 Curvy or Model, you must first dial in the base morph, then dial in the extra morph. For example, dial in Victoria 5 then dial in Victoria 5 SuperModel. This will give you the full SuperModel morph. This was done this way so that you can dial in the SuperModel morph with Victoria 6 or Girl 6 instead of Victoria 5 if you wish. The SuperModel morph was made for Victoria 5, so it will look best when used with her morph, but in small amounts it can enhance other character shapes as well. The same rule applies to the other “extra” body morphs listed above.
  • The extra head morphs have been done the same way. Dial in, for example, Freak 5 Head then dial in Freak 5 Head C to get the full effect of Freak 5 Head C. I have found that the extra head morphs mix very well with other head morphs if you dial them in at less than 100%.
  • Genesis Basic Male and Basic Female have been provided in their respective gender packages. Dialing in a little or a lot of these shapes and head morphs can help to soften some features of your characters. Genesis 1 has been included with all packages, as well, but is set to Hidden by default since it is used in conjunction with all of the other morphs. There is a separate head and body for Genesis (hidden).
  • Presets have been included for all shapes provided. A preset to add the full strength of each character and an accompanying “remove” preset which will remove all morphs related to that character without affecting any other morphs you have dialed in. For example, if you have Teen Josie dialed in at 48% and Girl 6 head at 20% and Aiko 4 at 52%, then you use the Aiko 4 REM preset, it will take out the Aiko 4 52% and leave the Josie and Girl 6 settings intact.
  • Additionally, a “Remove All Legacy” preset has been provided for each Legacy package. This will remove any of the morphs related to that Legacy package (in other words, if you have more than one Legacy products, each has a remove all preset that removes only the morphs related to that Legacy product).
  • I hope that this document properly addresses any questions you might have concerning the use of the Legacy for Genesis 2 products.

Resolved Issues

  • 2014-04-16 - Updated to unhide Genesis morph and include presets.
  • 2014-01-18 - Updated to remove Genesis morph mid-step, moved morph files to correct data folder.

Known Issues

  • None


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