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Clogs for Genesis 2 Female(s)

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Product Name: Clogs for Genesis 2 Female(s)
Product ID: 20737
Published Artist(s): Fred Winkler Art, Fisty & Darc
Created By: N/A
Release Date: 2014-12-08

Product Information

  • Required Products: None

Comfortable, sensible shoes for Genesis 2 Female.

Are your digital girls sick of having their feet ache in 4 inch heels? Now they can have something comfy to wear!

The shoes are set up to auto morph but stay rigid, on unsupported shapes you may need to use some of the included adjustment morphs to slide/scale them into place.

These are wooden shoes, the toes do not bend.Two poses are included for ease of use but if your pose doesn't bend the toes very much you probably won't need them.

The UVs and material zones are arranged for fantastic results when using DS shader presets or Poser .MT5's. The DAZ Studio MAT files use Uber Surface (included free with DS), the Poser MAT files are custom made so you will get beautiful renders in both programs.There are 15 full styles set up for you to use as well as 12 partial MAT files if you want to design your own. The main leather material zone has light, medium, and dark greyscale options that can be tinted just by changing the diffuse color so you can match any outfit in your Runtime.

“The 2014 Christmas Giveaway items are offered as free items from the DAZ PA (Premiere Artist) Community. Each item is offered for 2 days only. These items are not made by, or supported by DAZ 3D. They're free, but you're on your own when working with them. Enjoy your freebies, and happy holidays!”

Product Notes

Installation Packages

Below is a list of the installation package types provided by this product. The name of each package contains a Package Qualifier, which is used as a key to indicate something about the contents of that package.

  • 1 Core 1)
  • [1 PoserCF]

[ ] = Optional, depending on target application(s)

Not all installation packages provide files that are displayed to the user within the interface of an application. The packages listed below, do. The application(s), and the location(s) within each application, are shown below.

Clogs for Genesis 2 Female(s) (Core)

  • You can find new icons for loading this product in the following DAZ Studio Folders:
    • “People:Genesis 2 Female:Clothing:Fisty”
    • “People:Genesis 2 Female:Clothing:Fisty:Clogs”
    • “People:Genesis 2 Female:Clothing:Fisty:Clogs:Materials:Full Mats”
    • “People:Genesis 2 Female:Clothing:Fisty:Clogs:Materials:Mix and Match”
  • You can find new icons for this product in the following DAZ Studio Categories:
    • “Materials:Wardrobe”
    • “Poses:By Region:Partial Body:Feet”
    • “Wardrobe:Footwear”

Clogs for Genesis 2 Female(s) PoserCF

  • You can find new icons for loading this product in the following Poser Libraries:
    • Figures: “DAZ Genesis 2 Female:Clothing:Fisty”
    • Figures: “DAZ Genesis 2 Female:Clothing:Fisty:Clogs”
    • Figures: “DAZ Genesis 2 Female:Clothing:Fisty:Clogs:Materials:Full Mats”
    • Figures: “DAZ Genesis 2 Female:Clothing:Fisty:Clogs:Materials:Mix and Match”

Additional Details

  • The shoes are set up to auto morph but stay rigid, on unsupported shapes you may need to use some of the included adjustment morphs to slide/scale them into place. These are wooden shoes, the toes do not bend. Two poses are included for ease of use but if your pose doesn't bend the toes very much you probably won't need them.
  • If the shadows around the edges of your items are cutting off abruptly lower the shadow bias of your shadow casting lights. In DS you will find the option in the Lights tab, in Poser it is in on the second page of the parameters tab when you have the light selected. Try 0.1 to start, lower as needed until the shadow behaves. Don't forget your AO light as well!
  • Poser Specific:
    • Morph and pose your Genesis 2 before loading clothes to get the correct fit.

Resolved Issues

  • None

Known Issues

  • None


Visit our site for technical support questions or concerns.

The contents of this package are in DAZ Studio Native formats