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Extravagance for Baroque Grandeur

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Product Name: Extravagance for Baroque Grandeur
Product ID: 20813
Published Artist(s): Daz Originals
Created By: Jack Tomalin
Release Date: 2014-12-15

Product Information

Baroque Grandeur - The state or quality of being grand; vastness; greatness; splendor; magnificence; stateliness; dignity - or in this case, all of the above.

Extravagance for Baroque Granduer is an expansion pack which features a smaller, circular reception room, in keeping with the original style. This modular set also features a corridor section which can be used to link the different rooms together, to create a detailed and intricate backdrop. Furthermore, we have created some new props including a side table, wall light, pedestal, vase and guestbook. Structural features also include a new alcove wall section, archway and entrance door. All of these can be used in the original set too, by simply swapping out the existing wall sections.

Included are two preload presets to quickly get you started, as well as basic presets to allow each piece to be customized. Wall sections can be interchanged with doors, or even windows as well as the wall columns that can also be interchanged within this pack and also the main Baroque Granduer set. We have also included two texture packs to cater for both the original and Celebrations texture styles.

Also included are the DAZ Studio Lights as used in the promo imagery.

Please note at least Baroque Grandeur is required for use. Celebrations for Baroque Grandeur is also required to use that portion of the set also.

Product Notes

Installation Packages

Below is a list of the installation package types provided by this product. The name of each package contains a Package Qualifier, which is used as a key to indicate something about the contents of that package.

  • [1 Legacy]
  • [1 Ps]
  • [1 DS]

[ ] = Optional, depending on target application(s)

Not all installation packages provide files that are displayed to the user within the interface of an application. The packages listed below, do. The application(s), and the location(s) within each application, are shown below.

Extravagance for Baroque Grandeur Legacy

  • You can find new icons for loading this product in the following DAZ Studio Folders:
    • “Environments:Architecture:Bar_G_Ext_C_v2:Materials”
    • “Environments:Architecture:Bar_G_Ext_v2:Materials”

Extravagance for Baroque Grandeur Ps

  • You can find new icons for loading this product in the following Poser Libraries:
    • Figures: “Bar_G_Ext_C_v2”
    • Figures: “Bar_G_Ext_v2”
    • Materials: “Bar_G_Ext_C_v2”
    • Materials: “Bar_G_Ext_v2”
    • Pose: “Bar_G_Ext_C_v2”
    • Pose: “Bar_G_Ext_v2”

Extravagance for Baroque Grandeur DS

  • You can find new icons for loading this product in the following DAZ Studio Folders:
    • “Environments:Architecture:Bar_G_Ext_C_v2:Materials”
    • “Environments:Architecture:Bar_G_Ext_C_v2:Scenes”
    • “Environments:Architecture:Bar_G_Ext_v2:Materials”
    • “Environments:Architecture:Bar_G_Ext_v2:Scenes”
  • You can find new icons for this product in the following DAZ Studio Categories:
    • “Environments:Architecture:Interior”
    • “Lights:Interior”
    • “Materials:Props”
    • “Props:Architecture”
    • “Props:Furnishings”
    • “Props:Lights”

Additional Details

  • This is an update for the original 2009 product, which features all new DS3 and DS4 versions, as well as replacing the old DS3 lighting.
  • Poser Quickstart:
    • Depending on which texture style you require, load one of the !Pre cr2 files to preload the part of choice in either the Runtime/Figures/Bar_G_Ext_v2 folder (for the original textures) or Runtime/Figures/Bar_G_Ext_C_v2 (for the Celebration textures)
    • Both sets of cr2's are exactly the same, just preloaded with the relevant texture styles.
    • Any additional elements can be added by loading their respective cr2 file with the 'BGE' or 'BGEC' prefix.
  • DS Quickstart:
    • Depending on which texture style you require, load one of the !Pre daz/duf files to preload the part of choice in either the Content/Environments/Architecture/Bar_G_Ext_v2 folder (for the original textures) or Content/Environments/Architecture/Bar_G_Ext_C_v2 (for the Celebration textures)
    • Both sets of daz/dufs are exactly the same, just preloaded with the relevant texture styles.
    • Any additional elements can be added by loading their respective cr2 file with the 'BGE' or 'BGEC' prefix.
  • Detailed Instructions:
    • Like the Baroque Grandeur, Extravagance is made up of separate sections, which when loaded up will create a full 360° reception room, with furniture at either end.
  • Breakdown and explanation of preload cr2's:
    • !Pre_Corridor:
      • This loads a complete corridor section, pointing north. To use it this position, you need to delete the window section and replace it with an arch. All parts are zero'd, so simply rotating them will position them in the correct alignment with the other wall elements. If you are still unsure about the angles, just have a look at the sections that are preloaded.
    • !Pre_Room:
      • This loads the complete reception room with all walls enclosed, and furniture. Each wall panel is interchangeable with other wall panels, windows, or doors. Alternatively, remove the panel completely and add in a corridor section.
    • The rest of the presets are for each individual part, which will load up centered where appropriate. Use these to create new preloads with custom arrangements.
  • Light Presets:
    • This includes a DS3 and 4.6 light set, similar to the Baroque/Celebration products, but adapted for use with Extravagance. Use either the Day or Night Environment version to provide ambient room lighting, and if desired the !Lights to add in the area lights for use with the !Pre_Room preset. Lights have been grouped to allow for easy customization.
  • Materials:
    • In addition to the Poser defaults, there are DS 3 and 4.6 MAT files included in the Content\Environments\Architecture\Bar_G_Ext_v2\Materials and Bar_G_Ext_C_v2\Materials folders.
  • Notes:
  • Promos were created in DS 4.6 using the light set included. Postwork was done in Photoshop CS6.
  • Due to the displacements in the Celebrations textures, you may see some of the polys separate. This effect can be minimized by rendering out onto a black bg, or if used in close-ups, tweak the displacement values as necessary.

Resolved Issues

  • 2015-01-07 - Corrected texture paths.

Known Issues

  • None


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