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Lovey Bear Re-energized

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Product Name: Lovey Bear Re-energized - Inactive
Product ID: 2151
Published Artist(s): Daz Originals
Created By: Silverleif Studios_inactive, JGreenlees
Release Date: 2004-05-07

Product Information

  • Required Products: None

Lovey Bear - the adorable bear that's so easy to love!

Lovey Bear Re-energized is a cute and cuddly 3D prop, updated from the original Lovey Bear. New morphs, new joint settings, and new textures! Lovey Bear Re-energized morphs into a panda, koala, bunny, owl, pig, and more, with textures to match including two shirts.

This is an update. If you have previously purchased SS Lovey Bear, reset your download for the updated files.

Product Notes

  • I wanted to create new textures for the Lovey bear for another project. However when loading the bear I found several problems with it.
  • There are two new bears in this re-energized package. One the bear has a completely new skeleton. (this one is called New Joints) and the other has limits and adjustments for the bear. (This one is just called (new))
  • With this bear you will find that some of the joints have been changed to better use him. And limits have been set. You will also find that I have added a new pig morph on the head. All new textures but because people still love the Original Lovey bear I left in the original poses, original maps so you can still have the Lovey bear you want.
  • To get the original lovey bear colors you will find a MAT file under JG Lovey bear in either Pose folder or Material Folder called Original Lovey bear.
  • The poses for the original bear will not work with the skeleton bear. Many of the limits set on the new skeleton just won't let the body parts react the same way. And some on the new joint setup just don't work very well without adjustment.
  • I have left the bear as close to the original construction as possible but made it work better for you. I hope that you like the bear and use him for any of your teddy bear needs.
  • I hope in this update of this product you will still have the bear you've come to love and enjoy him even more.
  • Poser Users:
    • It is recommended that you do not delete the .DS files from within the product's MAT Pose directory. They will not show up as extra files within Poser, but are required to use the product with DAZ Studio 2.0 or higher.

Installation Packages

Below is a list of the installation package types provided by this product. The name of each package contains a Package Qualifier, which is used as a key to indicate something about the contents of that package.

  • [1 DS] * [1 Legacy]
  • [1 Ps]

[ ] = Optional, depending on target application(s)

Not all installation packages provide files that are displayed to the user within the interface of an application. The packages listed below, do. The application(s), and the location(s) within each application, are shown below.

Lovey Bear Re-energized DS

  • You can find new icons for loading this product in the following DAZ Studio Folders:
    • “Figures:Animal:Lovey Bear”
    • “Figures:Animal:Lovey Bear:Characters”
    • “Figures:Animal:Lovey Bear:Materials”
    • “Figures:Animal:Lovey Bear:Poses”
  • You can find new icons for this product in the following DAZ Studio Categories:
    • “Figures:Animals:Land”
    • “Materials:Skin”
    • “Poses:By Function:Other”
    • “Poses:By Function:Running”
    • “Poses:By Function:Sitting”
    • “Poses:By Function:Standing”
    • “Shaping:Apply”

Lovey Bear Re-energized Legacy

  • You can find new icons for loading this product in the following DAZ Studio Folders:
    • “Figures:Animal:Lovey Bear:Characters”
    • “Figures:Animal:Lovey Bear:Materials”
    • “Figures:Animal:Lovey Bear:Poses”
  • You can find new icons for this product in the following DAZ Studio Categories:
    • “Figures:Animals:Land”
    • “Materials:Skin”
    • “Poses:By Function:Other”
    • “Poses:By Function:Running”
    • “Poses:By Function:Sitting”
    • “Poses:By Function:Standing”
    • “Shaping:Apply”

Lovey Bear Re-energized Ps

  • You can find new icons for loading this product in the following Poser Libraries:
    • Figures: “SS Lovey Bear”
    • Materials: “JG Lovey Bear”
    • Pose: “JG Lovey Bear”
    • Pose: “SS Lovey Bear”

Additional Details

Resolved Issues

  • 2014-04-09 - Updated with full legacy files and full DS 4.6 files, adjustments made to bear in 4.6 to add dials to shaping tab.Updated metadata.
  • 2012-03-12 - Added DS files to Lovey Bear and readjusted Metadata
  • 2011-10-10 - Metadata update to reflect new store Item number

Known Issues

  • None


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