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Planet X-2 and HDRI

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Product Name: Planet X-2 and HDRI
Product ID: 29250
Published Artist(s): bitwelder
Created By: N/A
Release Date: 2016-04-04

Product Information

  • Required Products: None

Planet X-2 is a 360-degree environment featuring mountainous terrain, and several planets hanging in the sky. This product is designed to work with the Iray render engine.

Product Notes

Installation Packages

Below is a list of the installation package types provided by this product. The name of each package contains a Package Qualifier, which is used as a key to indicate something about the contents of that package.

  • 1 Core 1)

Not all installation packages provide files that are displayed to the user within the interface of an application. The packages listed below, do. The application(s), and the location(s) within each application, are shown below.

Planet X-2 and HDRI (Core)

  • You can find new icons for loading this product in the following Daz Studio Folders:
    • “Environments:Planet X-2”
    • “Environments:Planet X-2:Iray material presets”
    • “Environments:Planet X-2:bonus promo scenes”
    • “Environments:Planet X-2:camera presets”
    • “Environments:Planet X-2:environment presets”
  • You can find new icons for this product in the following Daz Studio Categories:
    • “Cameras”
    • “Environments:Backdrops”
    • “Environments:Landscape”
    • “Materials:Iray:Landscape”
    • “Render-Settings:Iray”

Additional Details

  • APPLYING AND USING Iray SkyDome Super PAK 1
  • Go to “ My DAZ 3D Library/Environments/Iray/WorldsIray/SkyDomeSuper PAK1 or where you have the Iray Worlds installed (Check your DAZ installer)
    • 1.Go to the “1 Scenes”, the first folder in the “Iray WorldsIray SkyDomeSuper PAK 1” directory, you will find 22 Pre Set Scenes.
    • Simply double click on any one and it will automatically setup in Daz Studio.
    • If you wish to see what it looks like simple select NVIDIA Iray from the drop down menu under the View Icon in either the Main or Aux Viewport.
    • Depending on your card , it will do a render so you can see what your scene looks like.
  • That's it, practically all scenes are lit by a single Iray Sun, to change the Sun Intensity, position etc go to the Main Iray SkyDome Directory make sure the Iray Sun is selected in your scene.
    • To do this select “IR-Base/IR-Sun” and then go to the main directory and select either “2 Sun Color” or “3 Sun Positions” and apply to your Sun for all sorts of different lighting angles and intensities.
    • Don't forget that the sky also provides lighting in the scenes, so complete lighting changes requires not just adjusting the Sun alone.
  • The Render settings should be set up for you automatically when you select a scene from the “1 Scenes” folder, now make sure that the main camera is in use, its usually called “Film Cam” you should view you Iray scene through that to begin.
  • If you wish to change the Sky, Ground, Water, Horizon or spin the World or Skies, go to one of the folders below.

As an example if you want to change the Sky, then first select IR-Base/IR-Skydome in the Scene Panel, then in Surfaces select IR-Skydome and simply apply the Sky MAT of your choice.

  • If you want to see whats illuminating the Iray world, the Sky or Sun, to see the skies first select IR-Base/IR-Skydome in the scene tab, then select Surfaces/IR-Skydome/IR-Skies/Emission and you will see the emission color, temperature and luminance.
    • The same also applies to the Sun, first select the IR-base/IR-Sun in the Scene tab and then follow the same procedure in Surfaces.
    • As an example if you want to darken the scene simply select Luminance in the Emission section in either the Sun ot Skies or both and simply take off a zero, the scene will immediately become a lot darker, because the Sun or the Sky is throwing out less light and light distance.
  • If you wish to change any other feature in the main scene, follow this basic rule, first select the section in the Scene Panel, then the Surfaces Panel and apply the MAT
  • After you have your scene set up, simply add whatever figures, architecture or props you wish to add by right clicking on them in the Content Library and then selecting “merge into scene”
  • Add an Iray Light of your choice from the Iray-LightSet menu and use “merge into scene”
  • There are some basic morphs on the IR-Base, to access them select IR-Base in the Scene Tab, then Parameters and then Morphs
  • There is also one morph in the SkyDome, select IR-Skydome then Parameters and then Morphs, this morph adjusts the height of the lower clouds.
  • That's pretty much it, this Super pak makes Iray Skydome incredibly versatile and you should be able to create very professional looking scenes very quickly with a bit of practice.

Resolved Issues

  • None

Known Issues

  • None


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The contents of this package are in Daz Studio Native formats