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Woolly Mammoth by AM

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Product Name: Woolly Mammoth by AM
Product ID: 32337
Published Artist(s): Alessandro_AM
Created By: N/A
Release Date: 2016-05-28

Product Information

The legendary and majestic Woolly Mammoth adult and baby digitally rebuilt for Daz Studio.

These models are based on my Indian Elephant models and thus inherit all the existing morphs and poses.

The adult Woolly Mammoth comes with a set of 10 additional morphs.

Product Notes

Installation Packages

Below is a list of the installation package types provided by this product. The name of each package contains a Package Qualifier, which is used as a key to indicate something about the contents of that package.

  • 2 Core 1)

Not all installation packages provide files that are displayed to the user within the interface of an application. The packages listed below, do. The application(s), and the location(s) within each application, are shown below.

Woolly Mammoth by AM (Core)

  • You can find new icons for loading this product in the following DAZ Studio Folders:
    • “Animals:AM:Woolly Mammoth:Iray Figures”
    • “Animals:AM:Woolly Mammoth:LAMH Figures”
    • “Animals:AM:Woolly Mammoth:Standard Figures”
  • You can find new icons for this product in the following DAZ Studio Categories:
    • “Figures:Animals:Land”

Additional Details

  • Look At My Hair Notes:
    • To get the LAMH Preset Hairs to show up you will need one of the following Plug-Ins for DAZ Studio:
    • To show the LAMH Tab/Pane go to “Window:Panes(Tabs)” and click on the “Look at My Hair” now you can drag your LAMH tab into your DAZ Studio interface setup.
    • To use the Iray LAMH Preset you will need to have:
  • Using the LAMH Player to Load the Presets:
    • Click on the LAMH Tab and click on the “Attach LAMH Preset” button at the bottom.
    • Browse to the appropriate folder and select the needed .LMH file
  • Please Note:
    • When changing materials with LAMH already applied, you may have to save the scene and re-open if for the LAMH materials to accept the change.
    • The .LMH file(s) can be moved to your preferred location as long as all of the LAMH Maps are moved with them!
    • When using the Look At My Hair system your render times may increase and for the first couple of minutes your render might look like it has stalled. This is not the case just let it run and the render will complete!

Resolved Issues

  • 2017-08-09 - Added LAMH 2 Iray Catalyzer Presets, standardized folder structures.

Known Issues

  • None


Visit our site for technical support questions or concerns.

The contents of these packages are in DAZ Studio Native formats