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Defines an animation sequence for a single channel.

Parent Objects


Name Description Default Required
url A string representing the URI referring to the channel to target with this animation. None yes
keys An array of time/value pairs, with an optional nested array that defines an interpolation type and its associated values (if any), one for each keyframe. None yes


Keys must appear in order of ascending time. The number of values specified for each key must match the number of components of the property specified in the url. To provide animation data for a single component of a multi-component property, use the sub-property selector syntax (see Asset Addressing) to specify which component is desired, then provide the number of values required to specify a value for keys of that type.

The assumed key interpolation type is Catmull-Rom Spline Tangent for float channels and Linear for all others.


A vector or color value:

	"url" : "hips#translation",
	"keys" : [ [ 0.0, [1.23, 2.34, 4.55] ], [ 1.0, [6.78, 5.23, 1.90] ] ]

A float value:

	"url" : "hips#translation/x",
	"keys" : [ [ 0.0, 1.23 ], [ 1.0, 6.78 ] ]

A float including the optional interpolation type/value array:

	"url" : "hips#translation/x",
	"keys" : [ [ 0.0, 1.23, ["TCB", -0.5, 0.2, 0.5] ], [ 1.0, 6.78, ["LINEAR"] ] ]

An alternate float including the optional interpolation type/value array:

        "url" : "Dress:#Morph_001?value/value",
        "keys" : [ [ 0.5666667, 1, ["HERMITE", 0,0 ] ], [ 0.6, 0, ["CONST"] ] ]