Defines an image map that can be composited with other image maps in a stack to define a single output map.
Name | Description | Default | Required |
url | A string representing the URI of an image file. | None | no |
label | A string representing the user-facing label for the image. | None | yes |
active | A boolean value representing whether or not the layer is contributing to the final result. Since file_version . | true | no |
color | A float3 representing the R,G,B values as 0-1 values. | [1, 1, 1] | no |
transparency | A float value representing the layer opacity in the [0,1] range, where 1 = opaque. | 1 | no |
invert | A boolean value representing whether to invert the colors in the layer. | false | no |
rotation | A float value representing a rotation about the center point, given in degrees. | 0 | no |
xmirror | A boolean value representing whether the source image will be mirrored across the horizontal (x) axis. | false | no |
ymirror | A boolean value representing whether the source image will be mirrored across the vertical (y) axis. | false | no |
xscale | A float value representing the scaling to apply along horizontal (x) axis. | 1 | no |
yscale | A float value representing the scaling to apply along vertical (y) axis. | 1 | no |
xoffset | A float value representing the normalized offset to apply along the horizontal (x) axis. | 0 | no |
yoffset | A float value representing the normalized offset to apply along the vertical (y) axis. | 0 | no |
operation | A string representing the layer operation. Valid values are: alpha_blend , add , subtract and multiply . As of file_version , the following values are also valid: blend_clear , blend_color_burn , blend_color_dodge , blend_darken , blend_destination , blend_destination_atop , blend_destination_in , blend_destination_out , blend_destination_over , blend_difference , blend_exclusion , blend_hard_light , blend_lighten , blend_multiply , blend_overlay , blend_plus , blend_screen , blend_soft_light , blend_source , blend_source_atop , blend_source_in , blend_source_out , blend_source_over , blend_xor . | None | no |
The xoffset and yoffset are given in normalized coordinates such that a value of 1.0 offsets by the full image size in that dimension. Negative offset values are allowed.
{ "url" : "/Happy/Images/Goofy.jpg", "label" : "Goofy.jpg", "color" : [ 1.0, 0.2, 0.34 ], "transparency" : 0.67, "rotation" : 20.3, "ymirror" : true, "xscale" : 1.7, "xoffset" : -0.43, "operation" : "add", }