Definition of a material asset.
Name | Description | Default | Required |
id | A string representing the unique identifier for this asset within current file scope. | None | yes |
name | A string representing the internal name of the material. | None | no |
label | A string representing the user-readable default label. | None | no |
source | A string representing the URI of the material asset that this asset was derived from, if any. | “” | no |
uv_set | A string representing the URI of a uv_set asset that should be active for this material. | None | no |
type | A string representing a hint for the receiving application about what type of shader to use (i.e. glass, metal, plastic, skin). | None | no |
diffuse | A material_channel defining the diffuse for this material. | N/A | no |
diffuse_strength | A material_channel defining the diffuse for this material. | N/A | no |
specular | A material_channel defining the specular for this material. | N/A | no |
specular_strength | A material_channel defining the specular for this material. | N/A | no |
glossiness | A material_channel defining the glossiness for this material. | 1.0 | no |
ambient | A material_channel defining the ambient for this material. | N/A | no |
ambient_strength | A material_channel defining the ambient for this material. | N/A | no |
reflection | A material_channel defining the reflection for this material. | N/A | no |
reflection_strength | A material_channel defining the reflection for this material. | N/A | no |
refraction | A material_channel defining the refraction for this material. | N/A | no |
refraction_strength | A material_channel defining the refraction for this material. | N/A | no |
ior | A material_channel defining the index of refraction for this material. | 0.0 | no |
bump | A material_channel defining the bump for this material. | N/A | no |
bump_min | A material_channel defining the bump min | -0.01 | no |
bump_max | A material_channel defining the bump max | 0.01 | no |
displacement | A material_channel defining the displacement for this material. | N/A | no |
displacement_min | A material_channel defining the displacement min | -0.01 | no |
displacement_max | A material_channel defining the displacement max | 0.01 | no |
transparency | A material_channel defining the transparency for this material. | N/A | no |
normal | A material_channel defining the normal map for this material. | N/A | no |
u_offset | A material_channel defining the UV coordinate offset in the u direction. | 0.0 | no |
u_scale | A material_channel defining the UV coordinate scale in the u direction. | 1.0 | no |
v_offfset | A material_channel defining the UV coordinate offset in the v direction. | 0.0 | no |
v_scale | A material_channel defining the UV coordinate scale in the v direction. | 1.0 | no |
extra | An array of objects that represent additional application-specific information for this object. | N/A | no |
Most of the fields in this definition are default values that may be overridden via a material_instance.
{ "id" : "bumpglass", "label" : "BumpyGlass", "type" : "glass", "diffuse" : material_channel, "diffuse_strength" : material_channel, "specular" : material_channel, "specular_strength" : material_channel, "glossiness" : material_channel, "ambient": material_channel, "reflection" : material_channel, "refraction" : material_channel, "ior" : material_channel, "bump" : material_channel, "bump_min" : material_channel, "bump_max" : material_channel, "transparency" : material_channel }