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Bone Minion for Genesis 3 Poses for Generation 4

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Product Name: Bone Minion for Genesis 3 Poses for Generation 4
Product ID: 86881
Published Artist(s): RiverSoft Art
Created By: N/A
Release Date: 2022-08-14

Product Information

  • Required Products: None

Introducing the revolutionary new way to use poses from Genesis 3! Stop wasting time and hard drive space converting pose presets, just use them! With Bone Minion, you can directly use Genesis 3 poses for Michael 4 and Victoria 4 without first converting and saving them to a preset. Your Bone Minion will do the hard work for you by acting as a bone “catcher” for a pose and then transferring (and converting if necessary) the pose to its parent Michael 4 or Victoria 4. Simply load the desired Bone Minion (i.e., Genesis 3 Female Bone Minion for Genesis 3 Female poses) on your Target Figure (Victoria 4), select the Bone Minion, and start applying poses!

On-the-fly conversion of poses to your Target Figure
Directly convert from the Source generation to the Target generation without converting to intermediate generations
Works with full poses, partial poses, hierarchical poses, and even AniBlocks!
Automatically applies full poses when they are loaded
Cross-gender pose conversion
Supports Pose Properties (using the Create Heavyweight Bone Minion script)
Use Pose Details on the Bone Minion to apply partial poses

Note that converted poses (and especially props if they are hierarchical poses) may not be perfect and may require tweaking. Facial Bones (i.e., expressions) except for the eyes are not transferred.

Any pose that sets the hip of the Bone Minion will be automatically converted on the fly and applied to the Target Figure. The Apply Changes script can be used to transfer any pose (including partial poses) on the Bone Minion to its Target Figure.

Hierarchical poses require the props loaded on both the Bone Minion and the Target Figure. The prop will be properly rotated for the pose but may need to be manually translated to the correct location.

Product Notes

Installation Packages

Below is a list of the installation package types provided by this product. The name of each package contains a Package Qualifier, which is used as a key to indicate something about the contents of that package.

  • 1 Core 1)

[ ] = Optional, depending on target application(s)

Not all installation packages provide files that are displayed to the user within the interface of an application. The packages listed below, do. The application(s), and the location(s) within each application, are shown below.

Bone Minion for Genesis 3 Poses for Generation 4 (Core)

  • You can find new icons for loading this product in the following DAZ Studio Folders:
    • “Scripts:RiverSoft Art:Bone Minion”
  • You can find new icons for this product in the following DAZ Studio Categories:
    • “Anatomy:Internal”
    • “Utilities:Scripts”

Additional Details

* Scripts included in this product include source or derivative code from one or more of the Scripting Samples provided here:

Resolved Issues

  • 2024-06-19 Updated:
    • Fixed Bone Minion not found error when loading a scene by using the DataItem.getOwner()
    • Fixed so that Bone Minion works with Partial Poses again
    • Added ability in Install script to select which scripts get added to Favorites and Toolbar
    • Fixed bug so that Heavyweight Bone Minions can accept and properly process partial poses
    • Fixed bug where props were not posed properly
    • Fixed bug where props did not take into account the size different between the bone minion and the target
    • Fixed message for when AutoTransfer property is false
    • Added MemorizePose function
    • Added RestorePose function
    • Fixed bug where AdjustRotations function would do calculations that would rotate to the partial pose as if using WSRot and not LocalRot
    • Fixed CopyPropTransformations function to use the location DIFFERENCE from the parent bone to the prop. This allows
    • better adjustment when the Bone Minion is a different size from the Target, such as with G8 and G9
    • Changed CopyPropsTransformations function to just use CopyPropTransformations instead of DS actions
    • Changed CopyPropsTransformations function parameters to be the prop lists instead of the bones
    • Added IsHeavyweightBM function
    • Added CannotSetToDefaultValue function
    • Improved IsBoneLocked function to handle Heavyweight Bone Minion bones that cannot accept the DefaultBoneChangeValue
    • Improved GetBoneRotations function to handle Heavyweight Bone Minions which often have bones (pectorals especially) that don't initialize properly
    • Modified CopyPoseProp function to detect if Bone Minion is a heavyweight Bone Minion
    • Fixed bug in Create Heavyweight Bone Minion that did not initialize the bone to detect partial poses
    • Replaced ALL calls to getSkeleton() with getRootNode. It turns out that if the oNode is NOT a bone or DzSkeleton (i.e., it is only a DzNode), these are not the same! This caused errors sometimes
  • 2023-08-23 Updated:
    • Added “Target Figure” property to Bone Minions, which points to the figure to create a pose for, removing the requirement that Bone Minions must be a child of the figure
    • Refactored Bone Minion to be able to add new converters using metadata files without updating old versions of bone minion
    • Modified IsBoneMinion function to check if node is a DzFigure as well as containing “Bone Minion” label
    • Added Improved IncludeFile for increased speed
    • Added ability to create a specific Heavyweight Bone Minion based on a command line parameter automatically
    • Added GetBoneMinions function to return all bone minions in a skeleton
    • Modified AttachBonesEventCallBack to attach to first child node if hip cannot be found
    • Added Genesis 9 Bone Minion to the installer for when Bone Minion for Genesis 9 Poses is released
  • 2022-11-16 Updated:
    • Updated support files to interoperate correctly with the Genesis 9 Bone Minion products
    • Fixed installer script to correctly create menu actions that will load the Bone Minions
    • Refactored Bone Minion to NOT require entries in the NameConversion table. This allows conversion files to be added WITHOUT requiring an update to RSBMConstants.dsa. Updating RSBMConstants.dsa REQUIRES updating EVERY Bone Minion product.
    • Added optional call to TweakPose after copy conversion

Known Issues

  • None


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The contents of this package are in DAZ Studio Native formats