Below is an example demonstrating how to render to the icon for the asset(s) selected in the Content Library pane, via script.
// Define an anonymous function; // serves as our main loop, // limits the scope of variables (function(){ /*********************************************************************/ // String : A function for retrieving a translation if one exists function text( sText ) { // If the version of the application supports qsTr() if( typeof( qsTr ) != "undefined" ){ // Return the translated (if any) text return qsTr( sText ); } // Return the original text return sText; }; /*********************************************************************/ // Get the pane manager var oPaneMgr = MainWindow.getPaneMgr(); // Find the content library pane var oPane = oPaneMgr.findPane( "DzContentLibraryPane" ); // If the pane was not found if( !oPane ){ // We are done... return; } // Get the render manager var oRenderMgr = App.getRenderMgr(); // Get the active software renderer; // this will not work for OpenGL [hardware] based renders var oRenderer = oRenderMgr.getActiveRenderer(); // If we did not find a renderer if( !oRenderer ){ // Inform the user MessageBox.critical( text( "An active renderer could not be found." ), text( "Resource Error" ), text( "&OK" ) ); // We are done... return; } // Collect the render options; so we can restore them var oRenderOptions = oRenderMgr.getRenderOptions(); var bCurrentFrame = oRenderOptions.isCurrentFrameRender; var nRenderImgId = oRenderOptions.renderImgToId; var sRenderFile = oRenderOptions.renderImgFilename; var bConstrain = oRenderOptions.isAspectConstrained; var sizeImage = oRenderOptions.imageSize; var nAspect = oRenderOptions.aspect; var nAspectWidth = 1; var nAspectHeight = 1; // If the app version is greater than if( App.version64 > 0x0004000600040004 ){ // Get the aspect width and height nAspectWidth = oRenderOptions.aspectWidth; nAspectHeight = oRenderOptions.aspectHeight; // If the app version is or earlier } else { // Get the aspect width and height based on image size if( sizeImage.width > sizeImage.height ){ nAspectWidth = nAspect; } else if( sizeImage.height > sizeImage.width ){ nAspectHeight = nAspect; } } // Set the render options for the icon render oRenderOptions.isCurrentFrameRender = true; oRenderOptions.renderImgToId = DzRenderOptions.DirectToFile; oRenderOptions.isAspectConstrained = true; oRenderOptions.setAspectRatio( 1, 1 ); oRenderOptions.imageSize = new Size( 91, 91 ); // Declare working variables var oAsset, oFileInfo; var sFilePath, sIconPath; // Get the selected assets var aAssets = oPane.getSelectedAssets(); // Iterate over the selected assets for( var i = 0; i < aAssets.length; i += 1 ){ // Get the 'current' asset oAsset = aAssets[ i ]; // Get the path of the asset sFilePath = oAsset.getAsLocalFile(); // Create a file info object for easy file related operations oFileInfo = new DzFileInfo( sFilePath ); // Contruct the path to the icon for the asset sIconPath = String("%1/%2.png").arg( oFileInfo.path() ).arg( oFileInfo.baseName() ); // Set the path for the render oRenderOptions.renderImgFilename = sIconPath; // Render, using our modified options oRenderMgr.doRender( oRenderOptions ); // Force the icon to update oAsset.forceImageReload(); } // Restore the render options oRenderOptions.isCurrentFrameRender = bCurrentFrame; oRenderOptions.renderImgToId = nRenderImgId; oRenderOptions.renderImgFilename = sRenderFile; oRenderOptions.isAspectConstrained = bConstrain; oRenderOptions.imageSize = sizeImage; oRenderOptions.setAspectRatio( nAspectWidth, nAspectHeight ); // Finalize the function and invoke })();