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Manager responsible for layouts, activity layouts, pane groups, panes, and toolbars.


Inherits :



DAZ Script
voidaddActivityLayout ( DzActivityLayout layout )
voidclearAllGroups ()
DzActivityLayoutcreateActivityLayout ( String name, String description )
DzPaneGroupcreateEmptyPaneGroup ()
DzToolBarcreateToolBar ( String name )
voidenableActivityBar ( Boolean onOff )
DzActivityLayoutfindActivityLayout ( String name )
DzDockBarfindDockBar ( String className )
DzDockBarfindDockBarByName ( String name )
DzPanefindPane ( String identifier )
DzToolBarfindToolBar ( String name )
DzActivityLayoutgetActiveActivityLayout ()
NumbergetActiveActivityLayoutIndex ()
StringgetActivityBarImage ()
ArraygetActivityBarImageList ()
DzActivityLayoutgetActivityLayout ( Number i )
ArraygetActivityLayoutList ()
StringgetAdvancedLayout ()
StringgetBasicLayout ()
StringgetDefaultLayout ()
ArraygetDefaultLayoutNames ()
DzDockBargetDockBar ( Number i )
ArraygetDockBarList ()
NumbergetNumActivityLayouts ()
NumbergetNumDockBars ()
NumbergetNumPaneGroups ()
NumbergetNumPanes ()
NumbergetNumToolBars ()
BooleangetOrientTabsAlongTop ()
DzPanegetPane ( Number i )
DzPaneGroupgetPaneGroup ( Number i )
ArraygetPaneGroupList ()
ArraygetPaneList ()
StringgetProLayout ()
StringgetSessionLayout ()
BooleangetShowLessonStrip ()
StringgetSimpleLayout ()
StringgetStandardLayout ()
DzToolBargetToolBar ( Number i )
ArraygetToolBarList ()
BooleangetUseWorkflowAssistance ()
voidhideAllPanes ()
voidhideAllToolBars ()
DzErrorhidePane ( String identifier )
DzErrorhidePane ( DzPane pane )
DzErrorhidePaneGroup ( DzPaneGroup group )
DzErrorhidePaneGroup ( Number i )
BooleanisActivityBarEnabled ()
voidloadNextActivityBarImage ()
DzErrormovePaneGroup ( DzPaneGroup group, DockSide dock=NO_DOCKING )
DzErrormovePaneGroup ( DzPaneGroup group, DockSide dock, Number index, Boolean newLine=false )
BooleanremoveActivityLayout ( String name )
BooleanremoveActivityLayout ( Number i )
voidremoveAllActivityLayouts ()
voidremoveAllToolBars ()
voidremovePaneGroup ( DzPaneGroup group )
voidremoveToolBar ( String name )
DzErrorrestoreLayout ( String filename, Boolean executeScript )
DzErrorsaveLayout ( String filename, String description=“” )
BooleanselectLesson ( String path )
voidsetActiveActivityLayout ( DzActivityLayout layout )
voidsetActiveActivityLayout ( Number i )
voidsetActivityBarImage ( String img )
voidsetOrientTabsAlongTop ( Boolean onOff )
DzErrorsetPaneEnabled ( String identifier, Boolean enabled )
DzErrorsetPaneEnabled ( DzPane pane, Boolean enabled )
DzErrorsetSessionLayout ( String filename )
voidsetShowLessonStrip ( Boolean onOff )
voidsetUseWorkflowAssistance ( Boolean onOff )
voidshowAllPanes ()
DzErrorshowPane ( DzPane pane )
DzErrorshowPane ( String identifier )
DzErrorshowPaneGroup ( DzPaneGroup group )
DzErrorshowPaneGroup ( Number i )
DzErrortearOffPane ( Number index, Number x=0, Number y=0 )
DzErrortearOffPane ( String identifier, Number x=0, Number y=0 )
DzErrortearOffPane ( DzPane pane, Number x=0, Number y=0 )
DzErrortogglePane ( DzPane pane )
DzErrortogglePane ( String identifier )
DzErrortogglePane ( Number index )
NumbergetNumPaneGroupDlgs ()
DzPaneGroupDlggetPaneGroupDlg ( Number i )
voidaddPaneGroupDlg ( DzPaneGroupDlg dlg )
voidremovePaneGroupDlg ( DzPaneGroupDlg dlg )
voidcloseAllPaneGroupDlgs ()


Detailed Description

This class manages layouts, activity layouts, pane groups, panes, and toolbars.

There is only one instance of this manager in an application. This instance is created and owned by DzMainWindow. Request the instance via DzMainWindow::getPaneMgr().

See Also:


: DockSide

The possible dock locations

  • NO_DOCKING - Not docked.
  • DOCK_LEFT - Docked on the left side.
  • DOCK_TOP - Docked on the top.
  • DOCK_RIGHT - Docked on the right side.
  • DOCK_BOTTOM - Docked on the bottom.


void : addActivityLayout( DzActivityLayout layout )

Adds the activity layout to the list of layouts.


  • layout - The layout to be added.

void : clearAllGroups()

Removes all panes from all groups.

DzActivityLayout : createActivityLayout( String name, String description )

Creates a new activity layout and adds it to the list.


  • name - The name of the activity layout.
  • description - The description of the activity layout.

Return Value:

  • The created activity layout.

DzPaneGroup : createEmptyPaneGroup()

Return Value:

  • A new pane group without any panes.

DzToolBar : createToolBar( String name )


  • name - The name of the toolbar to create.

Return Value:

  • The tool bar with the given name (if any), otherwise creates a tool bar with the given name.

void : enableActivityBar( Boolean onOff )

Sets whether or not the activity bar is visible in the interface.


  • onOff - If true, enables the activity bar.

DzActivityLayout : findActivityLayout( String name )


  • name - The name of the layout to find.

Return Value:

  • The activity layout with the given name (if any), otherwise NULL.

DzDockBar : findDockBar( String className )


  • className - The class name of the dock bar to find.

Return Value:

  • The dock bar with the given name, otherwise NULL.

DzDockBar : findDockBarByName( String name )


  • name - The name of the dock bar to find.

Return Value:

  • The dock bar with the given name (if any), otherwise NULL.

DzPane : findPane( String identifier )


  • identifier - The classname of the pane to find.

Return Value:

  • The pane with the classname specified (if any), otherwise NULL.

DzToolBar : findToolBar( String name )


  • name - The name of the tool bar to find.

Return Value:

  • The tool bar with the given name (if any), otherwise NULL.

DzActivityLayout : getActiveActivityLayout()

Return Value:

  • The active activity layout.

Number : getActiveActivityLayoutIndex()

Return Value:

  • The index of the active activity layout.

String : getActivityBarImage()

Return Value:

  • The name of the current activity bar image.

Array : getActivityBarImageList()

Return Value:

  • A list of possible activity bar images.

DzActivityLayout : getActivityLayout( Number i )


  • i - The index of the desired activity layout.

Return Value:

  • The activity layout at the given index (if valid), otherwise NULL.

Array : getActivityLayoutList()

Return Value:



String : getAdvancedLayout()

Return Value:

  • The path to the file that is the advanced layout for the application.

String : getBasicLayout()

Return Value:

  • The path to the file that is the basic layout for the application.

String : getDefaultLayout()

Return Value:

  • The path to the file that is the default layout for the application.

Array : getDefaultLayoutNames()

Return Value:

  • A list of default layout names included with the application.

DzDockBar : getDockBar( Number i )


  • i - The index of the dock bar to return.

Return Value:

  • The i'th dock bar in the application (if valid), otherwise NULL.

Array : getDockBarList()

Return Value:



Number : getNumActivityLayouts()

Return Value:

  • The number of activity layouts currently available.

Number : getNumDockBars()

Return Value:

  • The number of dock bars in the application.

Number : getNumPaneGroups()

Return Value:

  • The number of pane groups currently available in the interface; includes pane groups that are not currently showing.

Number : getNumPanes()

Return Value:

  • The number of panes currently available in the interface; this includes panes that are not currently showing.

Number : getNumToolBars()

Return Value:

  • The number of tool bars in the application.

Boolean : getOrientTabsAlongTop()

Return Value:

  • true if the tabs for selecting a pane are oriented along the top of pane groups, otherwise false.

DzPane : getPane( Number i )


  • i - The index of the pane to get.

Return Value:

  • The pane at the specified index (if valid), otherwise NULL.



DzPaneGroup : getPaneGroup( Number i )


  • i - The index of the desired pane group.

Return Value:

  • The pane group at the given index (if valid), otherwise NULL.

Array : getPaneGroupList()

Return Value:

Array : getPaneList()

Return Value:

  • A list of all DzPane objects.

String : getProLayout()

Return Value:

  • The path to the file that is the pro layout for the application.



String : getSessionLayout()

Return Value:

  • The path to the file that is the layout for this session of the application.

Boolean : getShowLessonStrip()

Return Value:

  • true if the Lesson Strip is showing, otherwise false.

String : getSimpleLayout()

Return Value:

  • The path to the file that is the simple layout for the application.

String : getStandardLayout()

Return Value:

  • The path to the file that is the standard layout for the application.

DzToolBar : getToolBar( Number i )


  • i - The index of the tool bar to return.

Return Value:

  • The i'th tool bar in the application (if valid), otherwise NULL.

Array : getToolBarList()

Return Value:



Boolean : getUseWorkflowAssistance()

Return Value:

  • true if workflow assistance is enabled, otherwise false.

void : hideAllPanes()

Hide all panes from view in the interface.

void : hideAllToolBars()

Hides all the tool bars in the application.

DzError : hidePane( String identifier )

Hide the given pane from view in the interface.


  • identifier - The classname of the pane to hide.

DzError : hidePane( DzPane pane )

Hide the given pane from view in the interface.

DzError : hidePaneGroup( DzPaneGroup group )

Hide a pane group in the interface.


  • group - The pane group to hide.

Return Value:

  • DZ_NO_ERROR if no error is encountered, otherwise an error code indicating the status of hiding the pane group.

DzError : hidePaneGroup( Number i )

Hide a pane group in the interface.


  • i - The index of the pane group to hide.

Return Value:

  • DZ_NO_ERROR if no error is encountered, otherwise an error code indicating the status of hiding the pane group.

Boolean : isActivityBarEnabled()

Return Value:

  • true if the activity bar appears in the interface, otherwise false.

void : loadNextActivityBarImage()

Loads the next image from the directory and sets it for the activity bar.

DzError : movePaneGroup( DzPaneGroup group, DockSide dock=NO_DOCKING )

Moves a group to a new dock location.


  • group - The group to move.
  • dock - The dock location to move the group to.

Return Value:

  • DZ_NO_ERROR if no error is encountered, otherwise an error code indicating the status of moving the pane group.

DzError : movePaneGroup( DzPaneGroup group, DockSide dock, Number index, Boolean newLine=false )

Moves a group to a new dock location.


  • This method currently does nothing and returns DZ_NO_ERROR.

Boolean : removeActivityLayout( String name )

Removes the given layout.


  • name - The name of the activity layout to be removed.

Return Value:

  • true if the layout existed and was removed, otherwise false.

Boolean : removeActivityLayout( Number i )

Removes the given layout.


  • i - The index of the layout to remove.

Return Value:

  • true if the layout existed and was removed, otherwise false.

void : removeAllActivityLayouts()

Removes all the current layouts.

void : removeAllToolBars()

Removes all tool bars from the application.

void : removePaneGroup( DzPaneGroup group )

Removes the given pane group.


  • group - The group to be removed.

void : removeToolBar( String name )

Removes a tool bar from the application.


  • name - The name of the tool bar to remove.

DzError : restoreLayout( String filename, Boolean executeScript )

Restores the activity layout from the given file.


  • filename - The absolute path of the layout file to be read.
  • executeScript - Whether or not the companion layout script should be executed.

Return Value:

  • DZ_NO_ERROR if the layout is restored successfully, otherwise an appropriate error code.

DzError : saveLayout( String filename, String description=“” )

Saves the current activity layout to the given file.


  • filename - The absolute path of the layout file to save.
  • description - The description for this layout.

Return Value:

  • DZ_NO_ERROR if the operation was successful, otherwise DZ_OPERATION_FAILED_ERROR.

Boolean : selectLesson( String path )

Selects the lesson at the given path.

Return Value:

  • true if the lesson is found and selected, otherwise false.

void : setActiveActivityLayout( DzActivityLayout layout )

Sets the active layout.


  • layout - The layout to make active.

void : setActiveActivityLayout( Number i )

Sets the active activity layout.


  • i - The index of the activity to make active.

void : setActivityBarImage( String img )

Sets the image for the activity bar.


  • img - The name of the image to use in the activity bar; this should be one of the strings returned by getActivityImageList().

void : setOrientTabsAlongTop( Boolean onOff )

Sets whether or not the position of tabs for selecting a pane are oriented along the top of the pane groups.


  • onOff - If true, the tabs will be displayed along the top of pane groups. If false, the tabs will be displayed along the sides of pane groups.

DzError : setPaneEnabled( String identifier, Boolean enabled )

Enables or disables a given pane in the interface.


  • identifier - The classname of the pane to enable or disable.
  • enabled - If true, the pane will be enabled.

Return Value:

  • DZ_NO_ERROR if no error is encountered, otherwise an error code indicating the status of enabling or disabling the pane.

DzError : setPaneEnabled( DzPane pane, Boolean enabled )

Enables or disables a given pane in the interface.


  • pane - The pane to be enabled or disabled.
  • enabled - If true, the pane will be enabled.

Return Value:

  • DZ_NO_ERROR if no error is encountered, otherwise an error code indicating the status of enabling or disabling the pane.

DzError : setSessionLayout( String filename )

Sets the file that will be loaded and saved as the user's layout for the session.


  • filename - The name of the file to be saved.

void : setShowLessonStrip( Boolean onOff )

Sets the visibility of the Lesson Strip.


  • onOff - If true, the lesson strip is shown.

void : setUseWorkflowAssistance( Boolean onOff )

Sets whether or not workflow assistance will be enabled.


  • onOff - If true, workflow assistance will be enabled.

void : showAllPanes()

Make all panes visible in the interface.

DzError : showPane( DzPane pane )

Make the given pane visible in the interface.


  • pane - The pane to be shown.

DzError : showPane( String identifier )

Make the given pane visible in the interface.


  • identifier - The classname of the pane to show.

DzError : showPaneGroup( DzPaneGroup group )

Show a pane group in the interface.


  • group - The pane group to show.

Return Value:

  • DZ_NO_ERROR if no error is encountered, otherwise an error code indicating the status of showing the pane group.

DzError : showPaneGroup( Number i )

Show a pane group in the interface.


  • i - The index of the pane group to show.

Return Value:

  • DZ_NO_ERROR if no error is encountered, otherwise an error code indicating the status of showing the pane group.

DzError : tearOffPane( Number index, Number x=0, Number y=0 )

Put the pane in its own pane group, if it's not already, and moves the pane group out of any dock area.


  • index - The index of the pane to tear off.
  • x - The x position to move to.
  • y - The y position to move to.

Return Value:

  • DZ_NO_ERROR if no error is encountered, otherwise an error code indicating the status of tearing off the pane.

DzError : tearOffPane( String identifier, Number x=0, Number y=0 )

Put the pane in its own pane group, if it's not already, and moves the pane group out of any dock area.


  • identifier - The classname of the pane to tear off.
  • x - The x position to move to.
  • y - The y position to move to.

Return Value:

  • DZ_NO_ERROR if no error is encountered, otherwise an error code indicating the status of tearing off the pane.

DzError : tearOffPane( DzPane pane, Number x=0, Number y=0 )

Put the pane in its own pane group, if it's not already, and moves the pane group out of any dock area.


  • pane - The pane to tear off.
  • x - The x position to move to.
  • y - The y position to move to.

Return Value:

  • DZ_NO_ERROR if no error is encountered, otherwise an error code indicating the status of tearing off the pane.

DzError : togglePane( DzPane pane )

Toggle the given pane's visibility in the interface.


  • pane - The pane whose visibility needs to be toggled.

DzError : togglePane( String identifier )

Toggle the given pane's visibility in the interface.


  • identifier - The classname of the pane to toggle.

DzError : togglePane( Number index )

Toggle the given pane's visibility in the interface.


  • index - The index of the pane to be toggled.

Number : getNumPaneGroupDlgs()


Exists only to keep old code working. Do not use in new code.

DzPaneGroupDlg : getPaneGroupDlg( Number i )


Exists only to keep old code working. Do not use in new code.

void : addPaneGroupDlg( DzPaneGroupDlg dlg )


Exists only to keep old code working. Do not use in new code.

void : removePaneGroupDlg( DzPaneGroupDlg dlg )


Exists only to keep old code working. Do not use in new code.

void : closeAllPaneGroupDlgs()


Exists only to keep old code working. Do not use in new code.


void : activeLayoutAboutToChange( Number newLayoutIdx )


Emitted when the active layout is about to change.


  • newLayoutIdx - The index of the new layout.

void : activeLayoutChanged( Number i )


Emitted when the active layout has changed.


  • i - The index of the new active layout.

void : activityBarEnabled( Boolean onOff )


Emitted when the activity bar is enabled/disabled.


  • onOff - The enabled state of the activity bar.

void : layoutListChanged()


Emitted when the list of available layouts has changed.

void : layoutRestored( String filename )

Signature:“layoutRestored(const QString&)”

Emitted when the layout is restored from a file.


  • filename - The name of the file restored.

void : orientTabsAlongTopChanged( Boolean onOff )


Emitted when the option controlling whether or not tabs are oriented along the top of a pane group has changed.


  • onOff - The new state of the option.

void : toolbarListChanged()


Emitted when the list of available toolbars has changed.

void : workflowAssistanceEnableStateChanged( Boolean onOff )


Emitted when the state of whether or not the workflow assistant is enabled has changed.


  • onOff - The new state of the option.

void : workflowAssistanceModeChanged()


Emitted when the mode of the workflow assistant has changed.