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A stacked collection of interface panes that can be docked or float.


Inherits :




voidemptyGroup ()

Detailed Description

A Pane Group serves as a collection of container widgets (DzPane) that are themselves used to organize discrete portions of the interface. A pane group is exposed at the top-level of the user interface and is used to stack DzPane instances within the same area.

A pane group can be docked (“anchored”) within a DzDockArea or undocked (“detached”) and made to float above the rest of the interface.

A pane group provides an easy-to-use selection mechanism (i.e., a tab bar) for choosing which DzPane instance in the stack to display to the user. When a pane group contains more DzPane instances than can be sufficiently represented within the tab bar, additional scrolling controls are presented to the user.


: TabBarPosition

Used to define the position of the tab bar for this pane group.


  • TabsTop - The tab bar for this pane group is positioned along the top.
  • TabsBottom - The tab bar for this pane group is positioned along the bottom.
  • TabsLeft - The tab bar for this pane group is positioned along the left side.
  • TabsRight - The tab bar for this pane group is positioned along the right side.


void : fitScreen()

Resizes this pane group, if it is undocked, to fit the available height and width of the screen it (mostly) currently resides on.



void : fitScreenHeight()

Resizes this pane group, if it is undocked, to fit the available height of the screen it (mostly) currently resides on.



void : fitScreenWidth()

Resizes this pane group, if it is undocked, to fit the available width of the screen it (mostly) currently resides on.



DzPane : getCurrentPane()

Return Value:

  • The currently showing pane.

Point : getDragOffset()

Return Value:

  • The offset, in pixels, from the point where a drag started to the top left corner (including extra for frame, titlebar, etc.)

Number : getNumPanes()

Return Value:

  • The number of panes in this group.

Number : getNumShownPanes()

Return Value:

  • The number of panes shown in this group.

DzPane : getPane( Number i )


  • i - The index of the pane to get.

Return Value:

  • The pane in this group at the given index (if any), otherwise NULL.

void : hideAllPanes()

Hides all panes without changing their group ownership.

void : hidePane( DzPane pane )

Hides the given pane without changing its group ownership.


  • pane - The pane to be hidden.

void : hideTabBar( Boolean hide )

Sets whether this pane group's tab bar is hidden or not. Emits DzPane::tabBarHiddenChanged(). When the tab bar is hidden, the options menu for the current pane is not visible. If desired, DzPane instances should connect to it's DzPane::tabBarHiddenChanged() signal to be able to provide an alternate options menu when the tab bar is hidden.


  • hide - If true, hides the tab bar.

void : setPaneEnabled( DzPane pane, Boolean enabled )

Enable or disabled the given pane in the interface, if it is a member of this group.


  • pane - The pane to be enabled or disabled.
  • enabled - If true, the pane will be enabled, otherwise the pane will be disabled.

void : setUndockedTabBarPosition( TabBarPosition pos )

TODO: Add description.

void : showPane( DzPane pane )

Makes sure the given pane is showing (if it is a member of this group).


  • pane - The pane to be shown.

Boolean : tabBarHidden()

Return Value:

  • true if this pane group's tab bar is hidden, otherwise false.

TabBarPosition : undockedTabBarPosition()

Return Value:

  • The tab bar position for this pane group if this pane group is undocked.



void : updateTabPosition()

Causes the position of the tab bar for this pane group to be updated.

Boolean : isUndockable()


Exists only to keep old code working. Do not use in new code. Use undockGroup() instead.


void : emptyGroup()


Emitted when the pane group becomes empty.