Save Filters
Save a Character Preset
Click here to save a new Character Preset
Click here to generate a preset that contains shaping information and surface property information for all surfaces of a selected figure.
Save a Character Preset
Click here to generate a preset that contains shaping information and surface property information for all surfaces of a selected figure.
This kind of preset is unique in its behavior when loading/applying it:
If a figure is NOT selected, loading the preset will cause the figure that the preset was saved for to be loaded into the scene.
If a figure is selected, and that figure is the one that the preset was saved for, applying the preset will modify the selected figure to reflect the information stored in the preset. This includes setting a new memorized state for shapes, so that if the figure is restored it will be restored to the shape of the character in the preset.
If a figure is selected, and that figure is NOT the one the preset was saved for, applying the preset will behave as if no figure is selected.