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Script wrapper for QFileDialog.


Inherits :


DAZ Script
StringdoAudioClipOpenDialog ( String startWith=“”, DzWidget parent=undefined )
StringdoDirectoryDialog ( String title=“”, String desc=“”, DzWidget parent=undefined )
StringdoDirectoryDialog ( String title, String desc, String startWith, DzWidget parent=undefined )
StringdoFileDialog ( Boolean open, String title=“”, String startWith=“”, String filter=“”, Number selectedFilter=0, DzWidget parent=undefined )
StringdoImageDialog ( Boolean open, String startWith=“”, DzWidget parent=undefined )
StringdoVideoClipSaveDialog ( String startWith=“”, DzWidget parent=undefined )
ArraygetOpenFileNames ( String dir=“”, String filter=“”, String title=“”, DzWidget parent=undefined )

Detailed Description

A global static object available via the Global::FileDialog variable.

This object provides functions that display OS native file dialogs to the user.


String : doAudioClipOpenDialog( String startWith=“”, DzWidget parent=undefined )

A convenience file dialog that automatically creates a filter list for all audio formats the application can import and displays a file open dialog.


  • startWith - The starting directory; can include a default file name.
  • parent - The parent widget for the file dialog.

Return Value:

  • The path of the file selected by the user (if the user does not cancel), otherwise an empty string.

String : doDirectoryDialog( String title=“”, String desc=“”, DzWidget parent=undefined )

Display a dialog for the user to choose a directory.


  • title - The title of the dialog box.
  • desc - Unused; retained for backward compatibility.
  • parent - The parent widget for the directory dialog.

Return Value:

  • The path of the directory selected by the user (if the user does not cancel), otherwise an empty string.


Have the user select a directory.

var sPath = FileDialog.doDirectoryDialog( qsTr("Select a Directory") );

String : doDirectoryDialog( String title, String desc, String startWith, DzWidget parent=undefined )

Display a dialog for the user to choose a directory.


  • title - The title of the dialog box.
  • desc - Unused; retained for backward compatibility.
  • startWith - The directory that the dialog will start in.
  • parent - The parent widget for the directory dialog.

Return Value:

  • The path of the directory selected by the user (if the user does not cancel), otherwise an empty string.


Have the user select a directory.

var sPath = FileDialog.doDirectoryDialog( qsTr("Select a Directory"), "", App.getDocumentsPath() );

String : doFileDialog( Boolean open, String title=“”, String startWith=“”, String filter=“”, Number selectedFilter=0, DzWidget parent=undefined )

Display a dialog for the user to choose a file.


  • open - If true, displays an open file dialog, otherwise displays a save file dialog.
  • title - The title of the dialog box.
  • startWith - The starting directory (can include a default file name).
  • filter - The file name filter; e.g., “TIFF files (*.tif *.tiff); JPEG files (*.jpg)”.
  • selectedFilter - If not null, its value is set to the index of the filter that corresponds to the selected file.
  • parent - The parent widget for the file dialog.

Return Value:

  • The path of the file selected by the user (if the user does not cancel), otherwise an empty string.


Get the name of an existing jpeg file.

var sFilename = FileDialog.doFileDialog( true, qsTr("Select an Image File"), App.getImageMgr().getImportPath(), "JPEG Files (*.jpg)" );


Get the name of an existing image file (w/ additional filters).

var sFilename = FileDialog.doFileDialog( true, qsTr("Select an Image File"), "",
					"Image Files (*.tif *.tiff *.jpg);TIFF Files (*.tif *.tiff);JPEG Files (*.jpg)" );


Get the name of a text file to save to.

var sFilename = FileDialog.doFileDialog( false, qsTr("Save As"), "", "Text Files (*.txt)" );

String : doImageDialog( Boolean open, String startWith=“”, DzWidget parent=undefined )

A convenience file dialog that automatically creates a filter list for all image formats the application can import/export and displays a file open/save dialog.


  • open - If true, displays an open image dialog, otherwise displays a save image dialog.
  • startWith - The starting directory; can include a default file name.
  • parent - The parent widget for the file dialog.

Return Value:

  • The path of the file selected by the user (if the user does not cancel), otherwise an empty string.

String : doVideoClipSaveDialog( String startWith=“”, DzWidget parent=undefined )

A convenience file dialog that automatically creates a filter list for all video formats the application can export and displays a file save dialog.


  • startWith - The starting directory; can include a default file name.
  • parent - The parent widget for the file dialog.

Return Value:

  • The path of the file selected by the user (if the user does not cancel), otherwise an empty string.

Array : getOpenFileNames( String dir=“”, String filter=“”, String title=“”, DzWidget parent=undefined )

Shows an open file dialog to the user that allows selection of multiple files.


  • dir - The directory that the dialog will start with.
  • filter - The file name filter; e.g., “TIFF files (*.tif *.tiff); JPEG files (*.jpg)”.
  • title - The title of the dialog.
  • parent - The parent widget of the dialog.

Return Value:

  • A list of paths for the files selected by the user (if the user does not cancel), otherwise an empty list.


Have the user select one or more image files.

var aFiles = FileDialog.getOpenFileNames( "", "Image files (*.tif *.jpg *.png)", qsTr("Select Image Files") );