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Tab bar that provides Tips, MetaData, and Info tabs…


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Detailed Description

Tab bar that provides Tips, MetaData, and Info tabs that can be used to provide various information about products.


Number : currentTab()

Return Value:

  • The index of the current tab

String : getTipDefaultScriptPath()

Return Value:

  • The default path to the script to execute in order to create the UI in the Tips page, sans extension.

See Also:



String : getTipScriptPath()

Return Value:

  • The path to the script to execute in order to create the UI in the Tips page, sans extension.

See Also:



void : hideStack()

Hides the widget responsible for displaying tab contents

Boolean : isStackHidden()

Return Value:

  • true if the widget responsible for displaying tab contents is hidden, false otherwise

DzError : reloadTip()

Loads the contents of the Tips page by calling the current script. A special script context is provided to this script which exposes a global “getWidget()” function that returns a DzWidget wrapper. This DzWidget can be used by the script to create, populate, and connect the UI components inside the widget.

Return Value:

  • DZ_NO_ERROR if no error is encountered, otherwise an appropriate error code.

See Also:



void : setCurrentTab( Number which )

Sets the current tab to which


  • which - The tab to make current

void : setFileInfo( DzAsset asset )

Sets the file info for the given asset


  • asset - The asset file from which file info will be populated

void : setInfo( DzAsset asset )

Sets file and meta data info for the given asset


  • asset - The asset file from which file and metadata info will be populated

void : setMetaInfo( DzAsset asset )

Sets metadata info for the given asset


  • asset - The asset file from which file info will be populated

void : setNodeInfo( DzNode node )

Sets info for the given node


  • node - The node from which info will be populated

void : setProductInfo( DzProductAssetContainer product )

Sets file info from the given asset container


  • product - The product from which product info will be populated

DzError : setTipUIScript( String path )

Loads the contents of the Tips page by calling the script at scriptPath. A special script context is provided to this script which exposes a global “getWidget()” function that returns a DzWidget wrapper. This DzWidget can be used by the script to create, populate, and connect the UI components inside the widget.


  • scriptPath - The path to the script to execute in order to create the UI in this page. The path can be absolute, relative to the resources folder in the application data path, or relative to the application resources path. If the path does not include an extension, an attempt is made to locate a script with one of the possible extensions (in dsa, dsb, dse, ds order) at the specified path until one is found.

Return Value:

  • DZ_NO_ERROR if no error is encountered, otherwise an appropriate error code.

See Also:

void : showFileTab( Boolean onOff )

Specifies whether the file tab is shown or not


  • onOff - If true, the file tab will be shown, otherwise it will be hidden

void : showMetaTab( Boolean onOff )

Specifies whether the metadata tab is shown or not


  • onOff - If true, the metadata tab will be shown, otherwise it will be hidden

void : showNodeTab( Boolean onOff )

Specifies whether the node tab is shown or not


  • onOff - If true, the node tab will be shown, otherwise it will be hidden

void : showRenderTab( Boolean onOff )

Specifies whether the render tab is shown or not


  • onOff - If true, the render tab will be shown, otherwise it will be hidden

void : showStack()

Shows the widget responsible for displaying the contents of the tabs

void : showStoreTab( Boolean onOff )

Specifies whether the store tab is shown or not


  • onOff - If true, the store tab will be shown, otherwise it will be hidden




void : keywordAddUniqueClicked( String keyword )

Signature:“keywordAddUniqueClicked(const QString&)”

Emitted when a keyword is clicked and the CTRL modifier key is pressed.


  • keyword - The link text for the keyword clicked.

void : keywordSetClicked( String keyword )

Signature:“keywordSetClicked(const QString&)”

Emitted when a keyword is clicked.


  • keyword - The link text for the keyword clicked.

void : renderApplyClicked()


Emitted when the apply button on the render tab is clicked.