Sometimes a button or Action within the User Interface (UI) will cause a message, or some other form of modal dialog, to be displayed to the user. For example, the New action will display a message that asks the user whether they would like to save the scene before it continues with the operation if the current scene was loaded from a file and the contents of the scene has changed since it was loaded, or if the scene was not loaded from a file but is not currently empty. While this and several other dialogs are better left as is, some dialogs are complex enough that the user needs guidance.
Guiding a user through a modal dialog is accomplished by defining an optional dialog member within the instruction. The value of this member is an Array, populated by sub-instructions. Typically, these sub-instructions are of the widget type.
Click the name of the example below to save it as a file.
var oLessonMgr = MainWindow.getInteractiveLessonMgr(); oLessonMgr.begin([ { "action": "DzNewAction", "info" : "Clear the scene" }, { "action": "DzPrimitiveAction", "info" : "Create a new primitive.", "dialog" : [ { "widget" : "PrimitiveTypeCmb", "info" : "The \"Type\" drop-down is used to change the kind of primitive being created. Click the tag to acknowledge that you have seen the widget.", "locate_only" : "Type" }, { "widget" : "PrimitiveTypeCmb", "value" : "Torus", "info" : "We'll make this one a Torus." }, { "widget" : "BasicDlgAcceptDialogBtn", "info" : "Click the Accept button to confirm your choice(s)." } ] }, { "display": "Finish", "info" : "Congratulations! You now have a new primitive in your scene." }, ]);