Below are examples demonstrating how to render to the viewport, and how to clear a render from the viewport, via script.
// DAZ Studio version filetype DAZ Script // Define an anonymous function; // serves as our main loop, // limits the scope of variables (function(){ // Initialize 'static' variables that hold modifier key state var s_bShiftPressed = false; var s_bControlPressed = false; var s_bAltPressed = false; var s_bMetaPressed = false; // If the "Action" global transient is defined, and its the correct type if( typeof( Action ) != "undefined" && Action.inherits( "DzScriptAction" ) ){ // If the current key sequence for the action is not pressed if( !App.isKeySequenceDown( Action.shortcut ) ){ updateModifierKeyState(); } // If the "Action" global transient is not defined } else if( typeof( Action ) == "undefined" ) { updateModifierKeyState(); } /*********************************************************************/ // void : A function for updating the keyboard modifier state function updateModifierKeyState() { // Get the current modifier key state var nModifierState = App.modifierKeyState(); // Update variables that hold modifier key state s_bShiftPressed = (nModifierState & 0x02000000) != 0; s_bControlPressed = (nModifierState & 0x04000000) != 0; s_bAltPressed = (nModifierState & 0x08000000) != 0; s_bMetaPressed = (nModifierState & 0x10000000) != 0; }; /*********************************************************************/ // void : A function for printing only if debugging function debug() { // If we are not debugging if( !s_bAltPressed ){ // We are done... return; } // Convert the arguments object into an array var aArguments = [] arguments ); // Print the array print( aArguments.join(" ") ); }; /*********************************************************************/ // String : A function for retrieving a translation if one exists function text( sText ) { // If the version of the application supports qsTr() if( typeof( qsTr ) != "undefined" ){ // Return the translated (if any) text return qsTr( sText ); } // Return the original text return sText; }; /*********************************************************************/ // Get the render manager var oRenderMgr = App.getRenderMgr(); // Get the active software renderer; // this will not work for OpenGL [hardware] based renders var oRenderer = oRenderMgr.getActiveRenderer(); // If we did not find a renderer if( !oRenderer ){ // Inform the user MessageBox.critical( text( "An active renderer could not be found." ), text( "Resource Error" ), text( "&OK" ) ); // We are done... return; } // Get the render options var oRenderOptions = oRenderMgr.getRenderOptions(); var bCurrentFrame = oRenderOptions.isCurrentFrameRender; var bConstrain = oRenderOptions.isAspectConstrained; var sizeImage = oRenderOptions.imageSize; var nAspect = oRenderOptions.aspect; var nAspectWidth = 1; var nAspectHeight = 1; // If the app version is greater than if( App.version64 > 0x0004000600040004 ){ // Get the aspect width and height nAspectWidth = oRenderOptions.aspectWidth; nAspectHeight = oRenderOptions.aspectHeight; // If the app version is or earlier } else { // Get the aspect width and height based on image size if( sizeImage.width > sizeImage.height ){ nAspectWidth = nAspect; } else if( sizeImage.height > sizeImage.width ){ nAspectHeight = nAspect; } } // Initialize a variable for the file name var sFilename = ""; // If the render options indicate we are rendering to file if( oRenderOptions.renderImgToId == DzRenderOptions.DirectToFile ){ // Create a file info object for easy file related operations var oFileInfo = new DzFileInfo( oRenderOptions.renderImgFilename ); // If we have a base name if( !oFileInfo.baseName().isEmpty() ){ // Set the file name to the one specified by render options sFilename = oRenderOptions.renderImgFilename; } } // If we do not have a file name if( sFilename.isEmpty() ){ // Set the file name to a temporary file sFilename = String("%1.png").arg( App.getTempRenderFilename() ); } // Provide feedback debug( "File:", sFilename ); // Get the viewport manager var oViewportMgr = MainWindow.getViewportMgr() // Get the active viewport var oViewport = oViewportMgr.getActiveViewport(); // Get the 3D viewport var o3DViewport = oViewport.get3DViewport(); // Get the size and position of the current aspect frame var rectFrame = o3DViewport.getAspectFrameRect(); // The aspect rect is relative to the viewport, // but the render is relative to the aspect rect, // so we need to move the rect by the inverse offset rectFrame.moveBy( -rectFrame.x, -rectFrame.y ); // Get the width, height and aspect of the frame var nFrameWidth = rectFrame.width; var nFrameHeight = rectFrame.height; var nFrameAspect = nFrameWidth / nFrameHeight; // Provide feedback debug( "Frame:" ); debug( "X: ", rectFrame.x ); debug( "Y: ", rectFrame.y ); debug( "W: ", nFrameWidth ); debug( "H: ", nFrameHeight ); debug( "A: ", nFrameAspect, ": 1" ); // Constrain the aspect oRenderOptions.isAspectConstrained = true; // Set the aspect if( nFrameWidth == nFrameHeight ){ oRenderOptions.setAspectRatio( 1, 1 ); } else if( nFrameWidth > nFrameHeight ){ oRenderOptions.setAspectRatio( nFrameAspect, 1 ); } else { oRenderOptions.setAspectRatio( 1, nFrameAspect ); } // Update the image size for the render settings... // This causes the Render Settings > Dimensions to be updated oRenderOptions.imageSize = new Size( nFrameWidth, nFrameHeight ); // We should only render the current frame to the viewport oRenderOptions.isCurrentFrameRender = true; // Get the time range of the render var oTimeRange = new DzTimeRange( oRenderOptions.startTime, oRenderOptions.endTime ); // Create a 3d view render handler var oHandler = new Dz3DViewRenderHandler( oViewport, oTimeRange.start, sFilename ); // If we created a valid render handler if( oHandler ){ // Set the background color of the render to the // background color of the viewport oHandler.setBackColor( o3DViewport.background ); // Set the area of the image to render oHandler.setCropWindow( rectFrame ); // Set the handler to use the crop window oHandler.setUseCropWindow( true ); // Get the active camera var oCamera = o3DViewport.getCamera(); // Render, using our handler and options oRenderer.render( oHandler, oCamera, oRenderOptions ); // Schedule the render handler for deletion, so we do not create a memory leak oHandler.deleteLater(); // We did not create a valid render handler } else { // Inform the user MessageBox.critical( text( "A valid render handler was not created." ), text( "No Render Handler" ), text( "&OK" ) ); } // Restore the render options oRenderOptions.isCurrentFrameRender = bCurrentFrame; oRenderOptions.isAspectConstrained = bConstrain; oRenderOptions.imageSize = sizeImage; oRenderOptions.setAspectRatio( nAspectWidth, nAspectHeight ); // Finalize the function and invoke })();
// Define an anonymous function; // serves as our main loop, // limits the scope of variables (function(){ // Get the viewport manager var oViewportMgr = MainWindow.getViewportMgr() // Get the active viewport var oViewport = oViewportMgr.getActiveViewport(); // Clear the render oViewport.setView( undefined ); // Finalize the function and invoke })();