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Set Universal View Tool Coordinate Space


Below is an example demonstrating how you can set the coordinate space of the universal view tools, via script.

API Areas of Interest


// DAZ Studio version filetype DAZ Script
// Define an anonymous function;
// serves as our main loop,
// limits the scope of variables
	// Get the viewport manager
	var oViewportMgr = MainWindow.getViewportMgr();
	// If we do not have a viewport manager
	if( !oViewportMgr ){
		// We are done...
		return "";
	// Find the tool;
	// DzUniversalTool, DzUniversalRotateTool, DzUniversalTranslateTool, DzUniversalScaleTool
	var oTool = oViewportMgr.findTool( "DzUniversalTool" );
	// If the tool was not found
	if( !oTool ){
		// We are done...
	// If the active tool is not the tool we want
	if( !pointersAreEqual( oTool, oViewportMgr.getActiveTool() ) ){
		// Change the active tool to the one we want
		oViewportMgr.setActiveTool( oTool );
	// If the apppliation version is older than
	if( App.version64 < 0x0004000b00000034 ){
		// Set the coordinate space of the tool
		// World = 0
		// Local = 1
		// Object = 2
		// Camera = 3
		// Gimbal = 4
		oTool.setSpace( 0 );
	// If the apppliation version is or newer
	} else {
		// Set the coordinate space of the tool
		oTool.setCoordinateSpace( DzUniversalTool.WorldSpace );//DzUniversalTool.LocalSpace
// Finalize the function and invoke