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Modifying Auto-Generated Morphs *

* = Review


Although the Transfer Utility... provides a basic rig for figures, and DAZ Studio 4 will automatically add morphs to conformed figures to match the supporting base figure, sometimes the morphs it creates are not sufficient for a quality result. In this tutorial, we cover how to modify the morphs created automatically by DAZ Studio 4 using an external modeling program such as Hexagon.

Process Overview

  • Export Item
  • Modify Object in Modeler
  • Import Morph with Morph Loader Pro
  • Save Results


Morphs in DAZ Studio 4 are essentially sets of “Deltas,” or differences, between the vertices in the original mesh, and the vertices in a modified, or “Morphed,” version of the mesh. There are many ways to create morphs, but one of the most common is illustrated here. The whole mesh is exported, the mesh is edited in a modeling program to move some of the vertices, and then just the deltas are re-imported using the Morph Loader Pro... action. By exporting mesh that is already morphed, and importing using exactly the same name as the existing morph, the import can change the existing morph, rather than creating a new one (which is also possible, of course). Because morphs as displayed in DAZ Studio 4 may not show their internal names, you will need to use the Parameters tab to access the name string you want to replace.

Step By Step

In this example, we'll export the Basic Female FBM (Full-Body Morph) to improve the drape between the breasts.

Prepare item for export

  • Hide Genesis figure in scene
  • Select the item
  • Under Parameters→Actor select the morph that was automatically added, and make sure it is dialed up

If it is a SubD item, be sure Viewport Level is set to 0 in Parameters window:

Export Item

  • File→Export…
  • Type: Wavefront Object (*.obj)
  • Convert from DAZ Studio to suitable scale for your choice of modeling
  • application
  • Be sure “Ignore Invisible Nodes” is selected
  • Click Accept

Modify Object in Modeler

Modify OBJ file in a modeler (here, Hexagon 2.5 beta) to refine the morph. For example, the drape between the breasts of this shirt has been softened:

Export the altered mesh as a new OBJ.

Alternative: Hexagon Bridge [WIP]

select the clothing item you wish to edit and then hit the send to hexagon link. This will then send that item (along with anything parented to it) to hexagon. When returning, make sure the item to receive the morphs MUST be selected when importing or sending back from Hexagon. If you wish to edit around the figure itself, then Genesis should be selected vand sent to hexagon. The figure will then arrive in Hexagon with any fit to/parented items. However, in this particular case, the user MUST make sure that the item they are editing is selected in the scene pane BEFORE sending from hexagon to DS or it won't work.

Return To DAZ Studio 4

Return to DAZ Studio 4, and be sure the morphed item (with morph dialed up) is selected.

Prepare to Import Morph

In the Parameters tab, click gear→ Parameter Settings on morph to get the internal name:

E.g. FBMBasicFemale:

Select and copy this name, then Cancel. (Do not change internal name, simply copy it.)

Import Morph with Morph Loader Pro

Now you will re-import your modified OBJ file and use it to alter the existing morph created by DAZ Studio 4. Click Morph Loader (Morph Loader Pro shown here):

  • Choose the same conversion parameters as before
  • Choose Files: your new obj
  • Open settings on your file
  • Paste morph name into Name section
  • Change Property Group to Actor/Female (or whatever is appropriate for your morph type)
  • Overwrite Existing: Deltas Only - this modifies the existing morph, rather than replacing it.

View New Morph

After the new morph imports, scrub the shape dial on the figure a bit to refresh the image. Note that the morph has changed:

Save Results

Save result as DSF Figure/Prop in a Content or My Library directory.

Test Your Results

  • Restart DAZ Studio 4, and bring in the Genesis figure again, load your new conforming item, and fit it to the figure
  • In the Shaping tab, select the morph you modified in the base figure (here, Basic Female) and dial it up
  • Note the garment changes to new morph, not the original auto-generated morph


This process is specific to each Shape of the figure the clothing is conformed to, i.e. if you begin working from the Genesis Basic Female shape, Basic Female is the only morph that will be affected (unless there are other shapes that are dependent on Basic Female).

Basic Female shape on left, V4 shape on right

Next Steps