The Smart Content pane is one of two primary methods of loading content into the scene. An instruction of the smart type will cause the Interactive Lesson Manager to guide the user, step by step, to a user-facing file to load.
The value can be the name of the file, or a full category path. Using just the name will guide the user to the first instance in the hierarchy of smart content.
Click the name of the example below to save it as a file.
var oLessonMgr = MainWindow.getInteractiveLessonMgr(); oLessonMgr.begin([ { "smart": "Genesis.duf", "asset_path": "/People/Genesis/Genesis.duf", "info": "Merge Genesis into the scene." } ]);
var oLessonMgr = MainWindow.getInteractiveLessonMgr(); oLessonMgr.begin([ { "smart": "/Default/Figures/People/Genesis.duf", "asset_path": "/People/Genesis/Genesis.duf", "info": "Merge Genesis into the scene." } ]);