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Zip List Entries


Below is an example demonstrating how you can list the contents of a zlib compressed (*.zip) file.

API Areas of Interest


// Define an anonymous function;
// serves as our main loop,
// limits the scope of variables
	// Define the source directory path
	var sSourcePath = "c:/temp";
	// Create a directory object
	var oDir = new DzDir( sSourcePath );
	// Get whether or not the directory exists
	var bExists = oDir.exists();
	// If the directory doesn't exist
	if( !bExists ){
		// Provide feedback
		print( sSourcePath, "does not exist!" );
		// We are done...
	// Create a zip file object
	var oZipFile = new DzZipFile( String("%1/").arg( sSourcePath ) );
	// If the file doesn't exist
	if( !oZipFile.exists() ){
		// Provide feedback
		print( oZipFile.filePath(), "does not exist!" );
		// We are done...
	// Let the user know we are busy
	// Open the zip file for reading DzZipFile.ReadOnly );
	// Retrieve the number of entries in the zip
	var nNumEntries = oZipFile.getNumEntries();
	// Retrieve the names of entries in the zip
	var aEntries = oZipFile.getFileNames();
	// Retrieve the global comment for the zip
	var sZipComment = oZipFile.getGlobalComment();
	// Declare working variables
	var sFileName;
	var nIdx;
	// Start with the first entry
	// For each entry in the zip
	do {
		// Get the current filename
		sFileName = oZipFile.getCurrentFileName();
		// Get the position in the list
		nIdx = aEntries.indexOf( sFileName );
		// If the filename is in the list
		if( nIdx > -1 ){
			// Capture information about the entry
			aEntries[ nIdx ] = {
				"name" : sFileName.replace( /\\/g, "/" ),
				"comment" : oZipFile.getCurrentFileComment(),
				"attributes" : typeof( oZipFile.getCurrentFileAttributes ) == "function" ? //
					oZipFile.getCurrentFileAttributes() : oZipFile.getCurrentFileAtributes(),
				"compressed" : oZipFile.getCurrentFileCompressedSize(),
				"uncompressed" : oZipFile.getCurrentFileUncompressedSize(),
				"ratio" : oZipFile.getCurrentFileCompressionRatio(),
				"method" : oZipFile.getCurrentFileCompressionMethod(),
				"CRC-32" : oZipFile.getCurrentFileCRC(),
				"folder" : oZipFile.getCurrentFileIsFolder()
			if( typeof( oZipFile.getCurrentFileDateTime ) == "function" ){ //
				aEntries[ nIdx ][ "stamp" ] = oZipFile.getCurrentFileDateTime();
	} while( oZipFile.goToNextFile() );
	// Close the zip file
	// Let the user know we are done
	// Provide feedback
	print( JSON.stringify( aEntries, null, "\t" ) );
	print( sZipComment );
// Finalize the function and invoke