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Silent OBJ Import


Below is an example demonstrating how you can import a Wavefront Object (*.obj) format geometry file using the standard importer included with DAZ Studio and through the use of settings, control the importer without displaying the input options dialog.

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// Define an anonymous function;
// serves as our main loop,
// limits the scope of variables
	// Get the import manager
	var oImportMgr = App.getImportMgr();
	// Define the class name the for Wavefront Object (*.obj) importer
	var sClassName = "DzObjImporter";
	// Find the importer
	var oImporter = oImportMgr.findImporterByClassName( sClassName );
	// If the importer exists
	if( oImporter ){
		// Create a settings object
		var oSettings = new DzFileIOSettings();
		// Fill the settings object with the default options from the importer
		//oImporter.getDefaultOptions( oSettings );
		// Define whether or not to show options
		var bShowOptions = true;
		// Define whether or not to show options before prompting for a path;
		// requires or later
		var bOptionsBeforeFile = (bShowOptions && App.version64 >= 0x0004000900030016);
		// Get the options for the exporter
		if( !oImporter.getOptions( oSettings, bShowOptions && bOptionsBeforeFile, "" ) ){
			// We're done...
		// Debug
		//print( oSettings.toJsonString() );
		// Set the desired settings for the importer
		//oSettings.setStringValue( "Preset", "Poser (1 unit = 8ft)" );
	 	// Set the scale to read the data
		oSettings.setFloatValue( "Scale", 243.84 );
		// Set the lateral axis to X
		oSettings.setStringValue( "LatAxis", "X" );
		// Set the vertical axis to Y
		oSettings.setStringValue( "VertAxis", "Y" );
		// Set the depth axis to Z
		oSettings.setStringValue( "DepthAxis", "Z" );
		// Do not invert the lateral axis
		oSettings.setBoolValue( "InvertLat", false );
		// Do not invert the vertical axis
		oSettings.setBoolValue( "InvertVert", false );
		// Do not invert the depth axis
		oSettings.setBoolValue( "InvertDepth", false );
		// Read vertex textures - UVs
		oSettings.setBoolValue( "IncludeVT", true );
		// Read facet groups
		oSettings.setBoolValue( "IncludeG", true );
		// Read surface groups
		oSettings.setBoolValue( "IncludeUsemtl", true );
		// Read the material library if it exists
		oSettings.setBoolValue( "IncludeMtllib", true );
		// If the version is or newer
		if( App.version64 >= 0x0004000900030016 ){
			// Show individual settings in the dialog
			oSettings.setBoolValue( "ShowIndividualSettings", true );
		// Define whether or not to show the options after prompting for a file
		oSettings.setIntValue( "RunSilent", (bShowOptions && !bOptionsBeforeFile ? 0 : 1) );
		// Debug
		//print( oSettings.toJsonString() );
		// Get the number of extensions supported by the importer
		var nExtensions = oImporter.getNumExtensions();
		// Pre-size the extensions array
		var aExtensions = new Array( nExtensions );
		// Iterate over the extensions, setting each element in the array
		for( var i = 0; i < nExtensions; i += 1 ){
			aExtensions[ i ] = String("*.%1").arg( oImporter.getExtension( i ) );
		// Prompt the user to choose a file,
		// use the importer to build the title bar caption,
		// the initial path and the filter
		var sPath = FileDialog.doFileDialog( true,
			String("Custom Import : %1 : %2" )
				.arg( oImporter.getDescription() )
				.arg( oSettings.getStringValue( "Preset" ) ),
			String( "%1 (%2)")
				.arg( oImporter.getDescription() )
				.arg( aExtensions.join( " " ) ) );
		// If the user didn't cancel
		if( sPath ){
			// Read the file using the options specified
			oImporter.readFile( sPath, oSettings );
		// Clean up; don't leak memory
	// We didn't find an importer with the class name we wanted
	} else {
		// Inform the user
		MessageBox.critical( qsTr("An importer with the class name \"%1\" " +
			"could not be found.").arg( sClassName ),
			qsTr("Critical Error"), qsTr("&OK") );
// Finalize the function and invoke