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Generate Polyline Dynamic Surface AddOn


Below is an example that demonstrates the use of the geometry pipeline to create polylines between pairs of selected vertices in a mesh. Each of the generated polylines is collected into a single node that is parented to the source node. Add a dForce modifier to the result to use it as a Dynamic Surface AddOn that adds additional support/structure to a dynamic surface.


  1. Activate the “Geometry Editor” tool
  2. Set “Selection Type” to “Vertex Selection”
  3. Select 2 vertices in the host mesh that you want to create a polyline between
  4. Execute the script
    • Create a Custom Action and bind a shortcut or put it in a toolbar/menu
  5. Repeat the previous 2 steps as needed
  6. “Add dForce Modifier : Dynamic Surface Add-On” to the created “<host_node_label> AddOn” node
    • AddOn node is created by the script upon first execution
    • AddOn node will be parented to the host node in the Scene hierarchy

API Areas of Interest


// DAZ Studio version filetype DAZ Script
// Define an anonymous function;
// serves as our main loop,
// limits the scope of variables
	// Initialize 'static' variables that hold modifier key state
	var s_bShiftPressed = false;
	var s_bControlPressed = false;
	var s_bAltPressed = false;
	var s_bMetaPressed = false;
	// If the "Action" global transient is defined, and its the correct type
	if( typeof( Action ) != "undefined" && Action.inherits( "DzScriptAction" ) ){
		// If the current key sequence for the action is not pressed
		if( !App.isKeySequenceDown( Action.shortcut ) ){
	// If the "Action" global transient is not defined
	} else if( typeof( Action ) == "undefined" ) {
	// void : A function for updating the keyboard modifier state
	function updateModifierKeyState()
		// Get the current modifier key state
		var nModifierState = App.modifierKeyState();
		// Update variables that hold modifier key state
		s_bShiftPressed = (nModifierState & 0x02000000) != 0;
		s_bControlPressed = (nModifierState & 0x04000000) != 0;
		s_bAltPressed = (nModifierState & 0x08000000) != 0;
		s_bMetaPressed = (nModifierState & 0x10000000) != 0;
	// void : A function for printing only if debugging
	function debug()
		// If we are not debugging
		if( !s_bAltPressed ){
			// We are done...
		// Convert the arguments object into an array
		var aArguments = [] arguments );
		// Print the array
		print( aArguments.join(" ") );
	// Boolean : A function for testing whether or not a QObject instance
	// inherits one of a list of types
	function inheritsType( oObject, aTypeNames )
		// If the object does not define the 'inherits' function
		if( !oObject || typeof( oObject.inherits ) != "function" ){
			// We are done... it is not a QObject
			return false;
		// Iterate over the list of type names
		for( var i = 0, nTypes = aTypeNames.length; i < nTypes; i += 1 ){
			// If the object does not inherit the 'current' type
			if( !oObject.inherits( aTypeNames[i] ) ){
				// Next!!
			// Return the result
			return true;
		// Return the result
		return false;
	// DzNode : A function for getting the root of a node
	function getRootNode( oNode )
		// If we have a node and it is a bone
		if( oNode && inheritsType( oNode, ["DzBone"] ) ){
			// We want the skeleton
			return oNode.getSkeleton();
		// Return the original node
		return oNode;
	// DzObject : A function for getting the object for a node
	function getObjectForNode( oNode, bRoot )
		// Get the node
		var oContextNode = bRoot ? getRootNode( oNode ) : oNode;
		// If we do not have a root node
		if( !oContextNode ){
			// We are done...
			return null;
		// Get the object of the root node
		var oObject = oContextNode.getObject();
		// If we do not have an object
		if( !oObject ){
			// We are done...
			return null;
		// Return the object
		return oObject;
	// DzShape : A function for getting the shape for a node
	function getShapeForNode( oNode, bRoot )
		// Get the object of the node
		var oObject = getObjectForNode( oNode, bRoot );
		// If we do not have an object
		if( !oObject ){
			// We are done...
			return null;
		// Get the shape of the root node
		var oShape = oObject.getCurrentShape();
		// If we do not have a shape
		if( !oShape ){
			// We are done...
			return null;
		// Return the shape
		return oShape;
	// DzGeometry : A function for getting the geometry for the root of a node
	function getGeometryForNode( oNode, bRoot, bCached )
		// Get the shape of the root node
		var oShape = getShapeForNode( oNode, bRoot );
		// If we do not have a shape
		if( !oShape ){
			// We are done...
			return null;
		// If we are getting the cached geometry
		if( bCached ){
			// Update the working mesh
			// Get the object of the root node
			var oObject = getObjectForNode( oNode, bRoot );
			// Return the geometry
			return oObject.getCachedGeom();
		// Get the geometry of the root node
		var oGeometry = oShape.getGeometry();
		// If we do not have a geometry
		if( !oGeometry ){
			// We are done...
			return null;
		// Return the geometry
		return oGeometry;
	// DzFacetMesh : A function for getting the facet mesh for a node
	function getFacetMeshForNode( oNode, bRoot, bCached )
		// Get the geometry of the node
		var oGeometry = getGeometryForNode( oNode, bRoot, bCached );
		// If we do not have a facet mesh
		if( !inheritsType( oGeometry, ["DzFacetMesh"] ) ){
			// We are done...
			return null;
		// Return the geometry
		return oGeometry;
	// Get the selected nodes
	var aNodes = Scene.getSelectedNodeList();
	// Declare working variables
	var oSrcNode, oTgtNode;
	// If we have 2 or more nodes selected
	if( aNodes.length > 1 ){
		// The source node is the one selected later; primary selection
		oSrcNode = aNodes[ 1 ];
		// The target node is the ones selected first
		oTgtNode = aNodes[ 0 ];
	// If we have 1 node selected
	} else if( aNodes.length > 0 ){
		// The source node is the primary selection
		oSrcNode = aNodes[ 0 ];
	// If nothing is selected
	if( !oSrcNode ){
		// We are done...
	// Get the base mesh of the root node
	var oSrcBaseMesh = getFacetMeshForNode( oSrcNode, true, false );
	// If we do not have a base mesh
	if( !oSrcBaseMesh ){
		// We are done...
	// Define the target node name
	var sTgtNodeName = String("%1_addon").arg( oSrcNode.objectName );
	// Initialize
	var bTgtNodeCreated = false;
	// If we do not have a target node
	if( !oTgtNode ){
		// Find the target node in the hierarchy of the source node
		oTgtNode = oSrcNode.findNodeChild( sTgtNodeName, true );
	// If we still do not have a target node,
	// or the node we have it is not named as we expect
	if( !oTgtNode || oTgtNode.objectName != sTgtNodeName ){
		// Create a new target node
		oTgtNode = new DzNode();
		// Update variable state
		bTgtNodeCreated = true;
		// Set the target node name
		oTgtNode.setName( sTgtNodeName );
		// Get the label of the source node
		var sLabel = oSrcNode.getLabel();
		// Strip the number from the label
		sLabel = Scene.stripLabelNumber( sLabel );
		// Get a unique label
		sLabel = Scene.getUniqueTopLevelLabel( String("%1 AddOn").arg( sLabel ) );
		// Set the label of the shell node
		oTgtNode.setLabel( sLabel );
	// Let the user know we are busy
	// Get the source object
	var oSrcObject = getObjectForNode( oSrcNode, true );
	// Get the target object
	var oTgtObject = !bTgtNodeCreated ? getObjectForNode( oTgtNode, true ) : undefined;
	// Initialize
	var bTgtObjectCreated = false;
	// If we do not have a target object
	if( !oTgtObject ){
		// Create a new target object
		oTgtObject = new DzObject();
		// Update variable state
		bTgtObjectCreated = true;
		// Set the target object name = + "_polylines";
	// Get the source shape
	var oSrcShape = getShapeForNode( oSrcNode, true );
	// Get the target shape
	var oTgtShape = !bTgtObjectCreated ? getShapeForNode( oTgtNode, true ) : undefined;
	// Initialize
	var bTgtShapeCreated = false;
	// If we do not have a target shape
	if( !oTgtShape ){
		// Create a new facet shape for the target
		oTgtShape = new DzFacetShape();
		// Update variable state
		bTgtShapeCreated = true;
		// Set the target shape name and label =;
		oTgtShape.setLabel( oSrcShape.getLabel() );
	// Get the target facet mesh
	var oTgtMesh = !bTgtShapeCreated ? getFacetMeshForNode( oTgtNode, true, false ) : undefined;
	// Initialize
	var bTgtMeshCreated = false;
	// If we do not have a target facet mesh
	if( !oTgtMesh ){
		// Create a new target facet mesh
		oTgtMesh = new DzFacetMesh();
		// Update variable state
		bTgtMeshCreated = true;
	// Define the material name
	var sMaterialName = "Default";
	// Find the target material
	var oTgtMaterial = oTgtShape.findMaterial( sMaterialName );
	// Initialize
	var bTgtMaterialCreated = false;
	// If we do not have a target material
	if( !oTgtMaterial ){
		// Create a new target default material
		oTgtMaterial = new DzDefaultMaterial();
		// Update variable state
		bTgtMaterialCreated = true;
		// Set the material name and label;
		// use a name that is consistent with the create primitive action = sMaterialName;
		oTgtMaterial.setLabel( );
		// Set the color of the material so that we can
		// distinguish it as a Dynamic Surface AddOn
		oTgtMaterial.setDiffuseColor( new Color( 0, 255, 255 ) );
		// Add the material to the shape
		oTgtShape.addMaterial( oTgtMaterial );
	// Initialize a local vertex index array
	var aSrcVertices = oSrcBaseMesh.getSelectedVertices();
	// Get the number of edges
	var nSrcVertices = aSrcVertices.length;
	// If we have more than one vertex selected
	if( nSrcVertices > 1 ){
		// Begin editing the target mesh
		// Activate the material; all new geometry will be added to this
		oTgtMesh.activateMaterial( sMaterialName );
		// If we created the target mesh
		if( bTgtMeshCreated ){
			// Pre-size the vertex array
			oTgtMesh.preSizeVertexArray( 2 );
			// Pre-size the polylines array
			oTgtMesh.preSizePolylines( 1, 0 );
		// Declare working variables
		var aTgtVertexIndices, aTgtUVIndices;
		// Get the first and second vertex indices;
		// the selected vertex list is not sorted according
		// to selection, it is sorted according to index;
		// using more than 2 vertex indices is unreliable
		var nSrcVertexIdx1 = aSrcVertices[ 0 ];
		var nSrcVertexIdx2 = aSrcVertices[ 1 ];
		// Get the number of vertices in the target mesh
		var nTgtVertices = oTgtMesh.getNumVertices();
		// Get the positions of the source vertices
		var vecVertex1 = oSrcBaseMesh.getVertex( nSrcVertexIdx1 );
		var vecVertex2 = oSrcBaseMesh.getVertex( nSrcVertexIdx2 );
		// Provide feedback
		debug( String("\tSource Vertex1 #%1").arg( nSrcVertexIdx1 ),
				vecVertex1.x, vecVertex1.y, vecVertex1.z );
		debug( String("\tSource Vertex2 #%1").arg( nSrcVertexIdx2 ),
				vecVertex2.x, vecVertex2.y, vecVertex2.z );
		// Initialize
		var bCreatePolyline = true;
		// Declare working variables
		var bMatch1, bMatch2;
		var aLineVertexIndices;
		var nLineVertex1Idx, nLineVertex2Idx;
		var vecLineVertex1, vecLineVertex2;
		// Get the number of polylines in the target mesh
		var nPolylines = oTgtMesh.getNumPolylines();
		// Iterate over the polylines
		for( var i = 0; i < nPolylines; i += 1 ){
			// Get the list of vertex indices for the 'current' polyline
			aLineVertexIndices = oTgtMesh.getPolylineVertexIndices( i );
			// If there are more than 2 indices;
			// it cannot be a polyline we created
			if( aLineVertexIndices.length != 2 ){
				// Next!!
			// Get the polyline vertex indices
			nLineVertex1Idx = aLineVertexIndices[ 0 ];
			nLineVertex2Idx = aLineVertexIndices[ 1 ];
			// Get the positions of the target mesh polyline vertices
			vecLineVertex1 = oTgtMesh.getVertex( nLineVertex1Idx );
			vecLineVertex2 = oTgtMesh.getVertex( nLineVertex2Idx );
			// Provide feedback
			debug( String("\tLine #%1 Vertex1 #%2").arg( i ).arg( nLineVertex1Idx ),
				vecLineVertex1.x, vecLineVertex1.y, vecLineVertex1.z );
			debug( String("\tLine #%1 Vertex2 #%2").arg( i ).arg( nLineVertex2Idx ),
				vecLineVertex2.x, vecLineVertex2.y, vecLineVertex2.z );
			// Initialize
			bMatch1 = false;
			bMatch2 = false;
			// If the vertex positions match
			if( vecVertex1.equals( vecLineVertex1 ) ){
				// Update variable state
				bMatch1 = true;
			// If the vertex positions match
			} else if ( vecVertex1.equals( vecLineVertex2 ) ){
				// Update variable state
				bMatch2 = true;
			// If the other vertex position matches
			if( (bMatch1 && vecVertex2.equals( vecLineVertex2 )) ||
			(bMatch2 && vecVertex2.equals( vecLineVertex1 )) ){
				// Update variable state
				bCreatePolyline = false;
				// We have found a match
		// If we are creating the polyline
		if( bCreatePolyline ){
			// Add the first vertex to the target mesh
			var nTgtVertex1Idx = oTgtMesh.addVertex( vecVertex1 );
			// Add the second vertex to the target mesh
			var nTgtVertex2Idx = oTgtMesh.addVertex( vecVertex2 );
			// Get the positions of the target vertices
			vecVertex1 = oTgtMesh.getVertex( nTgtVertex1Idx );
			vecVertex2 = oTgtMesh.getVertex( nTgtVertex2Idx );
			// Provide feedback
			debug( String("\tTarget Vertex1 #%1").arg( nTgtVertex1Idx ),
					vecVertex1.x, vecVertex1.y, vecVertex1.z );
			debug( String("\tTarget Vertex2 #%1").arg( nTgtVertex2Idx ),
					vecVertex2.x, vecVertex2.y, vecVertex2.z );
			// Assign the vertex indices
			aTgtVertexIndices = [ nTgtVertex1Idx, nTgtVertex2Idx ];
			// Assign the UV indices;
			// we do not care about UVs for the add-on,
			// but because we need default UVs in order to
			// be loaded from a saved asset, we use the first
			// index of the default UV map created when we
			// created the target facet mesh
			aTgtUVIndices = [ 0, 0 ];
			// Add the polyline to the target mesh
			oTgtMesh.addPolyline( aTgtVertexIndices, aTgtUVIndices );
		// Cause the UV set to be recreated from the
		// UV map when mesh editing is finished
		// Finish editing the target mesh
	// If we created the target mesh
	if( bTgtMeshCreated ){
		// Set the target mesh for the target shape
		oTgtShape.setFacetMesh( oTgtMesh );
	// If we created the target shape
	if( bTgtShapeCreated ){
		// Add the target shape to the target object
		oTgtObject.addShape( oTgtShape );
	// If we created the target object
	if( bTgtObjectCreated ){
		// Add the target object to the target node
		oTgtNode.setObject( oTgtObject );
	// If the target node was not already in the scene
	if( bTgtNodeCreated ){
		// Add the target node to the scene
		Scene.addNode( oTgtNode );
	// Get the target node parent
	var oTgtParent = oTgtNode.getNodeParent();
	// If we do not have a parent or the parent is not the source
	if( !oTgtParent || oTgtParent.elementID != oSrcNode.elementID ){
		// Parent the target node (in place) to the source node
		oSrcNode.addNodeChild( oTgtNode, true );
	// If we created the target node or there was only one node selected
	if( bTgtNodeCreated || aNodes.length < 2 ){
		// Clear the scene selection
		Scene.selectAllNodes( false );
		// Select the target node true );
		// Select the source node true );
	// Let the user know we are done
// Finalize the function and invoke